2021-02-28 20:02:24 -06:00

649 lines
24 KiB

* Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
* Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
* Based on Sprinter and grbl.
* Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "../../inc/MarlinConfig.h"
#include "../gcode.h"
#include "../../module/delta.h"
#include "../../module/motion.h"
#include "../../module/stepper.h"
#include "../../module/endstops.h"
#include "../../lcd/marlinui.h"
#include "../../module/probe.h"
#include "../../module/tool_change.h"
#include "../../feature/bedlevel/bedlevel.h"
constexpr uint8_t _7P_STEP = 1, // 7-point step - to change number of calibration points
_4P_STEP = _7P_STEP * 2, // 4-point step
NPP = _7P_STEP * 6; // number of calibration points on the radius
enum CalEnum : char { // the 7 main calibration points - add definitions if needed
CEN = 0,
__A = 1,
_AB = __A + _7P_STEP,
__B = _AB + _7P_STEP,
_BC = __B + _7P_STEP,
__C = _BC + _7P_STEP,
_CA = __C + _7P_STEP,
#define LOOP_CAL_PT(VAR, S, N) for (uint8_t VAR=S; VAR<=NPP; VAR+=N)
#define F_LOOP_CAL_PT(VAR, S, N) for (float VAR=S; VAR<NPP+0.9999; VAR+=N)
#define I_LOOP_CAL_PT(VAR, S, N) for (float VAR=S; VAR>CEN+0.9999; VAR-=N)
#define LOOP_CAL_ACT(VAR, _4P, _OP) LOOP_CAL_PT(VAR, _OP ? _AB : __A, _4P ? _4P_STEP : _7P_STEP)
TERN_(HAS_MULTI_HOTEND, const uint8_t old_tool_index = active_extruder);
float lcd_probe_pt(const xy_pos_t &xy);
void ac_home() {
void ac_setup(const bool reset_bed) {
TERN_(HAS_MULTI_HOTEND, tool_change(0, true));
if (reset_bed) reset_bed_level(); // After full calibration bed-level data is no longer valid
void ac_cleanup(TERN_(HAS_MULTI_HOTEND, const uint8_t old_tool_index)) {
TERN_(DELTA_HOME_TO_SAFE_ZONE, do_blocking_move_to_z(delta_clip_start_height));
TERN_(HAS_BED_PROBE, probe.stow());
TERN_(HAS_MULTI_HOTEND, tool_change(old_tool_index, true));
void print_signed_float(PGM_P const prefix, const float &f) {
if (f >= 0) SERIAL_CHAR('+');
* - Print the delta settings
static void print_calibration_settings(const bool end_stops, const bool tower_angles) {
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(".Height:", delta_height);
if (end_stops) {
print_signed_float(PSTR("Ex"), delta_endstop_adj.a);
print_signed_float(PSTR("Ey"), delta_endstop_adj.b);
print_signed_float(PSTR("Ez"), delta_endstop_adj.c);
if (end_stops && tower_angles) {
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" Radius:", delta_radius);
if (tower_angles) {
print_signed_float(PSTR("Tx"), delta_tower_angle_trim.a);
print_signed_float(PSTR("Ty"), delta_tower_angle_trim.b);
print_signed_float(PSTR("Tz"), delta_tower_angle_trim.c);
if ((!end_stops && tower_angles) || (end_stops && !tower_angles)) { // XOR
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" Radius:", delta_radius);
* - Print the probe results
static void print_calibration_results(const float z_pt[NPP + 1], const bool tower_points, const bool opposite_points) {
print_signed_float(PSTR("c"), z_pt[CEN]);
if (tower_points) {
print_signed_float(PSTR(" x"), z_pt[__A]);
print_signed_float(PSTR(" y"), z_pt[__B]);
print_signed_float(PSTR(" z"), z_pt[__C]);
if (tower_points && opposite_points) {
if (opposite_points) {
print_signed_float(PSTR("yz"), z_pt[_BC]);
print_signed_float(PSTR("zx"), z_pt[_CA]);
print_signed_float(PSTR("xy"), z_pt[_AB]);
* - Calculate the standard deviation from the zero plane
static float std_dev_points(float z_pt[NPP + 1], const bool _0p_cal, const bool _1p_cal, const bool _4p_cal, const bool _4p_opp) {
if (!_0p_cal) {
float S2 = sq(z_pt[CEN]);
int16_t N = 1;
if (!_1p_cal) { // std dev from zero plane
LOOP_CAL_ACT(rad, _4p_cal, _4p_opp) {
S2 += sq(z_pt[rad]);
return LROUND(SQRT(S2 / N) * 1000.0f) / 1000.0f + 0.00001f;
return 0.00001f;
* - Probe a point
static float calibration_probe(const xy_pos_t &xy, const bool stow) {
return probe.probe_at_point(xy, stow ? PROBE_PT_STOW : PROBE_PT_RAISE, 0, true, false);
return lcd_probe_pt(xy);
* - Probe a grid
static bool probe_calibration_points(float z_pt[NPP + 1], const int8_t probe_points, const bool towers_set, const bool stow_after_each) {
const bool _0p_calibration = probe_points == 0,
_1p_calibration = probe_points == 1 || probe_points == -1,
_4p_calibration = probe_points == 2,
_4p_opposite_points = _4p_calibration && !towers_set,
_7p_calibration = probe_points >= 3,
_7p_no_intermediates = probe_points == 3,
_7p_1_intermediates = probe_points == 4,
_7p_2_intermediates = probe_points == 5,
_7p_4_intermediates = probe_points == 6,
_7p_6_intermediates = probe_points == 7,
_7p_8_intermediates = probe_points == 8,
_7p_11_intermediates = probe_points == 9,
_7p_14_intermediates = probe_points == 10,
_7p_intermed_points = probe_points >= 4,
_7p_6_center = probe_points >= 5 && probe_points <= 7,
_7p_9_center = probe_points >= 8;
LOOP_CAL_ALL(rad) z_pt[rad] = 0.0f;
if (!_0p_calibration) {
const float dcr = delta_calibration_radius();
if (!_7p_no_intermediates && !_7p_4_intermediates && !_7p_11_intermediates) { // probe the center
const xy_pos_t center{0};
z_pt[CEN] += calibration_probe(center, stow_after_each);
if (isnan(z_pt[CEN])) return false;
if (_7p_calibration) { // probe extra center points
const float start = _7p_9_center ? float(_CA) + _7P_STEP / 3.0f : _7p_6_center ? float(_CA) : float(__C),
steps = _7p_9_center ? _4P_STEP / 3.0f : _7p_6_center ? _7P_STEP : _4P_STEP;
I_LOOP_CAL_PT(rad, start, steps) {
const float a = RADIANS(210 + (360 / NPP) * (rad - 1)),
r = dcr * 0.1;
const xy_pos_t vec = { cos(a), sin(a) };
z_pt[CEN] += calibration_probe(vec * r, stow_after_each);
if (isnan(z_pt[CEN])) return false;
z_pt[CEN] /= float(_7p_2_intermediates ? 7 : probe_points);
if (!_1p_calibration) { // probe the radius
const CalEnum start = _4p_opposite_points ? _AB : __A;
const float steps = _7p_14_intermediates ? _7P_STEP / 15.0f : // 15r * 6 + 10c = 100
_7p_11_intermediates ? _7P_STEP / 12.0f : // 12r * 6 + 9c = 81
_7p_8_intermediates ? _7P_STEP / 9.0f : // 9r * 6 + 10c = 64
_7p_6_intermediates ? _7P_STEP / 7.0f : // 7r * 6 + 7c = 49
_7p_4_intermediates ? _7P_STEP / 5.0f : // 5r * 6 + 6c = 36
_7p_2_intermediates ? _7P_STEP / 3.0f : // 3r * 6 + 7c = 25
_7p_1_intermediates ? _7P_STEP / 2.0f : // 2r * 6 + 4c = 16
_7p_no_intermediates ? _7P_STEP : // 1r * 6 + 3c = 9
_4P_STEP; // .5r * 6 + 1c = 4
bool zig_zag = true;
F_LOOP_CAL_PT(rad, start, _7p_9_center ? steps * 3 : steps) {
const int8_t offset = _7p_9_center ? 2 : 0;
for (int8_t circle = 0; circle <= offset; circle++) {
const float a = RADIANS(210 + (360 / NPP) * (rad - 1)),
r = dcr * (1 - 0.1 * (zig_zag ? offset - circle : circle)),
interpol = FMOD(rad, 1);
const xy_pos_t vec = { cos(a), sin(a) };
const float z_temp = calibration_probe(vec * r, stow_after_each);
if (isnan(z_temp)) return false;
// split probe point to neighbouring calibration points
z_pt[uint8_t(LROUND(rad - interpol + NPP - 1)) % NPP + 1] += z_temp * sq(cos(RADIANS(interpol * 90)));
z_pt[uint8_t(LROUND(rad - interpol)) % NPP + 1] += z_temp * sq(sin(RADIANS(interpol * 90)));
zig_zag = !zig_zag;
if (_7p_intermed_points)
z_pt[rad] /= _7P_STEP / steps;
do_blocking_move_to_xy(0.0f, 0.0f);
return true;
* kinematics routines and auto tune matrix scaling parameters:
* see https://github.com/LVD-AC/Marlin-AC/tree/1.1.x-AC/documentation for
* - formulae for approximative forward kinematics in the end-stop displacement matrix
* - definition of the matrix scaling parameters
static void reverse_kinematics_probe_points(float z_pt[NPP + 1], abc_float_t mm_at_pt_axis[NPP + 1]) {
xyz_pos_t pos{0};
const float dcr = delta_calibration_radius();
const float a = RADIANS(210 + (360 / NPP) * (rad - 1)),
r = (rad == CEN ? 0.0f : dcr);
pos.set(cos(a) * r, sin(a) * r, z_pt[rad]);
mm_at_pt_axis[rad] = delta;
static void forward_kinematics_probe_points(abc_float_t mm_at_pt_axis[NPP + 1], float z_pt[NPP + 1]) {
const float r_quot = delta_calibration_radius() / delta_radius;
#define ZPP(N,I,A) (((1.0f + r_quot * (N)) / 3.0f) * mm_at_pt_axis[I].A)
#define Z00(I, A) ZPP( 0, I, A)
#define Zp1(I, A) ZPP(+1, I, A)
#define Zm1(I, A) ZPP(-1, I, A)
#define Zp2(I, A) ZPP(+2, I, A)
#define Zm2(I, A) ZPP(-2, I, A)
z_pt[CEN] = Z00(CEN, a) + Z00(CEN, b) + Z00(CEN, c);
z_pt[__A] = Zp2(__A, a) + Zm1(__A, b) + Zm1(__A, c);
z_pt[__B] = Zm1(__B, a) + Zp2(__B, b) + Zm1(__B, c);
z_pt[__C] = Zm1(__C, a) + Zm1(__C, b) + Zp2(__C, c);
z_pt[_BC] = Zm2(_BC, a) + Zp1(_BC, b) + Zp1(_BC, c);
z_pt[_CA] = Zp1(_CA, a) + Zm2(_CA, b) + Zp1(_CA, c);
z_pt[_AB] = Zp1(_AB, a) + Zp1(_AB, b) + Zm2(_AB, c);
static void calc_kinematics_diff_probe_points(float z_pt[NPP + 1], abc_float_t delta_e, const float delta_r, abc_float_t delta_t) {
const float z_center = z_pt[CEN];
abc_float_t diff_mm_at_pt_axis[NPP + 1], new_mm_at_pt_axis[NPP + 1];
reverse_kinematics_probe_points(z_pt, diff_mm_at_pt_axis);
delta_radius += delta_r;
delta_tower_angle_trim += delta_t;
reverse_kinematics_probe_points(z_pt, new_mm_at_pt_axis);
LOOP_CAL_ALL(rad) diff_mm_at_pt_axis[rad] -= new_mm_at_pt_axis[rad] + delta_e;
forward_kinematics_probe_points(diff_mm_at_pt_axis, z_pt);
LOOP_CAL_RAD(rad) z_pt[rad] -= z_pt[CEN] - z_center;
z_pt[CEN] = z_center;
delta_radius -= delta_r;
delta_tower_angle_trim -= delta_t;
static float auto_tune_h() {
const float r_quot = delta_calibration_radius() / delta_radius;
return RECIPROCAL(r_quot / (2.0f / 3.0f)); // (2/3)/CR
static float auto_tune_r() {
constexpr float diff = 0.01f, delta_r = diff;
float r_fac = 0.0f, z_pt[NPP + 1] = { 0.0f };
abc_float_t delta_e = { 0.0f }, delta_t = { 0.0f };
calc_kinematics_diff_probe_points(z_pt, delta_e, delta_r, delta_t);
r_fac = -(z_pt[__A] + z_pt[__B] + z_pt[__C] + z_pt[_BC] + z_pt[_CA] + z_pt[_AB]) / 6.0f;
r_fac = diff / r_fac / 3.0f; // 1/(3*delta_Z)
return r_fac;
static float auto_tune_a() {
constexpr float diff = 0.01f, delta_r = 0.0f;
float a_fac = 0.0f, z_pt[NPP + 1] = { 0.0f };
abc_float_t delta_e = { 0.0f }, delta_t = { 0.0f };
LOOP_XYZ(axis) {
delta_t[axis] = diff;
calc_kinematics_diff_probe_points(z_pt, delta_e, delta_r, delta_t);
delta_t[axis] = 0;
a_fac += z_pt[uint8_t((axis * _4P_STEP) - _7P_STEP + NPP) % NPP + 1] / 6.0f;
a_fac -= z_pt[uint8_t((axis * _4P_STEP) + 1 + _7P_STEP)] / 6.0f;
a_fac = diff / a_fac / 3.0f; // 1/(3*delta_Z)
return a_fac;
* G33 - Delta '1-4-7-point' Auto-Calibration
* Calibrate height, z_offset, endstops, delta radius, and tower angles.
* Parameters:
* Pn Number of probe points:
* P0 Normalizes calibration.
* P1 Calibrates height only with center probe.
* P2 Probe center and towers. Calibrate height, endstops and delta radius.
* P3 Probe all positions: center, towers and opposite towers. Calibrate all.
* P4-P10 Probe all positions at different intermediate locations and average them.
* T Don't calibrate tower angle corrections
* Cn.nn Calibration precision; when omitted calibrates to maximum precision
* Fn Force to run at least n iterations and take the best result
* Vn Verbose level:
* V0 Dry-run mode. Report settings and probe results. No calibration.
* V1 Report start and end settings only
* V2 Report settings at each iteration
* V3 Report settings and probe results
* E Engage the probe for each point
void GcodeSuite::G33() {
const int8_t probe_points = parser.intval('P', DELTA_CALIBRATION_DEFAULT_POINTS);
if (!WITHIN(probe_points, 0, 10)) {
SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("?(P)oints implausible (0-10).");
const bool towers_set = !parser.seen('T');
const float calibration_precision = parser.floatval('C', 0.0f);
if (calibration_precision < 0) {
SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("?(C)alibration precision implausible (>=0).");
const int8_t force_iterations = parser.intval('F', 0);
if (!WITHIN(force_iterations, 0, 30)) {
SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("?(F)orce iteration implausible (0-30).");
const int8_t verbose_level = parser.byteval('V', 1);
if (!WITHIN(verbose_level, 0, 3)) {
SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("?(V)erbose level implausible (0-3).");
const bool stow_after_each = parser.seen('E');
const bool _0p_calibration = probe_points == 0,
_1p_calibration = probe_points == 1 || probe_points == -1,
_4p_calibration = probe_points == 2,
_4p_opposite_points = _4p_calibration && !towers_set,
_7p_9_center = probe_points >= 8,
_tower_results = (_4p_calibration && towers_set) || probe_points >= 3,
_opposite_results = (_4p_calibration && !towers_set) || probe_points >= 3,
_endstop_results = probe_points != 1 && probe_points != -1 && probe_points != 0,
_angle_results = probe_points >= 3 && towers_set;
int8_t iterations = 0;
float test_precision,
zero_std_dev = (verbose_level ? 999.0f : 0.0f), // 0.0 in dry-run mode : forced end
zero_std_dev_min = zero_std_dev,
zero_std_dev_old = zero_std_dev,
h_factor, r_factor, a_factor,
r_old = delta_radius,
h_old = delta_height;
abc_pos_t e_old = delta_endstop_adj, a_old = delta_tower_angle_trim;
SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("G33 Auto Calibrate");
const float dcr = delta_calibration_radius();
if (!_1p_calibration && !_0p_calibration) { // test if the outer radius is reachable
LOOP_CAL_RAD(axis) {
const float a = RADIANS(210 + (360 / NPP) * (axis - 1));
if (!position_is_reachable(cos(a) * dcr, sin(a) * dcr)) {
SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("?Bed calibration radius implausible.");
// Report settings
PGM_P const checkingac = PSTR("Checking... AC");
if (verbose_level == 0) SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" (DRY-RUN)");
print_calibration_settings(_endstop_results, _angle_results);
ac_setup(!_0p_calibration && !_1p_calibration);
if (!_0p_calibration) ac_home();
do { // start iterations
float z_at_pt[NPP + 1] = { 0.0f };
test_precision = zero_std_dev_old != 999.0f ? (zero_std_dev + zero_std_dev_old) / 2.0f : zero_std_dev;
// Probe the points
zero_std_dev_old = zero_std_dev;
if (!probe_calibration_points(z_at_pt, probe_points, towers_set, stow_after_each)) {
SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Correct delta settings with M665 and M666");
return ac_cleanup(TERN_(HAS_MULTI_HOTEND, old_tool_index));
zero_std_dev = std_dev_points(z_at_pt, _0p_calibration, _1p_calibration, _4p_calibration, _4p_opposite_points);
// Solve matrices
if ((zero_std_dev < test_precision || iterations <= force_iterations) && zero_std_dev > calibration_precision) {
test_precision = 0.0f; // forced end
if (zero_std_dev < zero_std_dev_min) {
// set roll-back point
e_old = delta_endstop_adj;
r_old = delta_radius;
h_old = delta_height;
a_old = delta_tower_angle_trim;
abc_float_t e_delta = { 0.0f }, t_delta = { 0.0f };
float r_delta = 0.0f;
* convergence matrices:
* see https://github.com/LVD-AC/Marlin-AC/tree/1.1.x-AC/documentation for
* - definition of the matrix scaling parameters
* - matrices for 4 and 7 point calibration
#define ZP(N,I) ((N) * z_at_pt[I] / 4.0f) // 4.0 = divider to normalize to integers
#define Z12(I) ZP(12, I)
#define Z4(I) ZP(4, I)
#define Z2(I) ZP(2, I)
#define Z1(I) ZP(1, I)
#define Z0(I) ZP(0, I)
// calculate factors
if (_7p_9_center) calibration_radius_factor = 0.9f;
h_factor = auto_tune_h();
r_factor = auto_tune_r();
a_factor = auto_tune_a();
calibration_radius_factor = 1.0f;
switch (probe_points) {
case 0:
test_precision = 0.0f; // forced end
case 1:
test_precision = 0.0f; // forced end
LOOP_XYZ(axis) e_delta[axis] = +Z4(CEN);
case 2:
if (towers_set) { // see 4 point calibration (towers) matrix
e_delta.set((+Z4(__A) -Z2(__B) -Z2(__C)) * h_factor +Z4(CEN),
(-Z2(__A) +Z4(__B) -Z2(__C)) * h_factor +Z4(CEN),
(-Z2(__A) -Z2(__B) +Z4(__C)) * h_factor +Z4(CEN));
r_delta = (+Z4(__A) +Z4(__B) +Z4(__C) -Z12(CEN)) * r_factor;
else { // see 4 point calibration (opposites) matrix
e_delta.set((-Z4(_BC) +Z2(_CA) +Z2(_AB)) * h_factor +Z4(CEN),
(+Z2(_BC) -Z4(_CA) +Z2(_AB)) * h_factor +Z4(CEN),
(+Z2(_BC) +Z2(_CA) -Z4(_AB)) * h_factor +Z4(CEN));
r_delta = (+Z4(_BC) +Z4(_CA) +Z4(_AB) -Z12(CEN)) * r_factor;
default: // see 7 point calibration (towers & opposites) matrix
e_delta.set((+Z2(__A) -Z1(__B) -Z1(__C) -Z2(_BC) +Z1(_CA) +Z1(_AB)) * h_factor +Z4(CEN),
(-Z1(__A) +Z2(__B) -Z1(__C) +Z1(_BC) -Z2(_CA) +Z1(_AB)) * h_factor +Z4(CEN),
(-Z1(__A) -Z1(__B) +Z2(__C) +Z1(_BC) +Z1(_CA) -Z2(_AB)) * h_factor +Z4(CEN));
r_delta = (+Z2(__A) +Z2(__B) +Z2(__C) +Z2(_BC) +Z2(_CA) +Z2(_AB) -Z12(CEN)) * r_factor;
if (towers_set) { // see 7 point tower angle calibration (towers & opposites) matrix
t_delta.set((+Z0(__A) -Z4(__B) +Z4(__C) +Z0(_BC) -Z4(_CA) +Z4(_AB) +Z0(CEN)) * a_factor,
(+Z4(__A) +Z0(__B) -Z4(__C) +Z4(_BC) +Z0(_CA) -Z4(_AB) +Z0(CEN)) * a_factor,
(-Z4(__A) +Z4(__B) +Z0(__C) -Z4(_BC) +Z4(_CA) +Z0(_AB) +Z0(CEN)) * a_factor);
delta_endstop_adj += e_delta;
delta_radius += r_delta;
delta_tower_angle_trim += t_delta;
else if (zero_std_dev >= test_precision) {
// roll back
delta_endstop_adj = e_old;
delta_radius = r_old;
delta_height = h_old;
delta_tower_angle_trim = a_old;
if (verbose_level != 0) { // !dry run
// Normalize angles to least-squares
if (_angle_results) {
float a_sum = 0.0f;
LOOP_XYZ(axis) a_sum += delta_tower_angle_trim[axis];
LOOP_XYZ(axis) delta_tower_angle_trim[axis] -= a_sum / 3.0f;
// adjust delta_height and endstops by the max amount
const float z_temp = _MAX(delta_endstop_adj.a, delta_endstop_adj.b, delta_endstop_adj.c);
delta_height -= z_temp;
LOOP_XYZ(axis) delta_endstop_adj[axis] -= z_temp;
NOMORE(zero_std_dev_min, zero_std_dev);
// print report
if (verbose_level == 3)
print_calibration_results(z_at_pt, _tower_results, _opposite_results);
if (verbose_level != 0) { // !dry run
if ((zero_std_dev >= test_precision && iterations > force_iterations) || zero_std_dev <= calibration_precision) { // end iterations
SERIAL_ECHOPGM("Calibration OK");
if (zero_std_dev >= test_precision && !_1p_calibration && !_0p_calibration)
SERIAL_ECHOPGM("rolling back.");
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR_F("std dev:", zero_std_dev_min, 3);
char mess[21];
strcpy_P(mess, PSTR("Calibration sd:"));
if (zero_std_dev_min < 1)
sprintf_P(&mess[15], PSTR("0.%03i"), (int)LROUND(zero_std_dev_min * 1000.0f));
sprintf_P(&mess[15], PSTR("%03i.x"), (int)LROUND(zero_std_dev_min));
print_calibration_settings(_endstop_results, _angle_results);
SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Save with M500 and/or copy to Configuration.h");
else { // !end iterations
char mess[15];
if (iterations < 31)
sprintf_P(mess, PSTR("Iteration : %02i"), (unsigned int)iterations);
strcpy_P(mess, PSTR("No convergence"));
SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR_F("std dev:", zero_std_dev, 3);
if (verbose_level > 1)
print_calibration_settings(_endstop_results, _angle_results);
else { // dry run
PGM_P const enddryrun = PSTR("End DRY-RUN");
SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR_F("std dev:", zero_std_dev, 3);
char mess[21];
strcpy_P(mess, enddryrun);
strcpy_P(&mess[11], PSTR(" sd:"));
if (zero_std_dev < 1)
sprintf_P(&mess[15], PSTR("0.%03i"), (int)LROUND(zero_std_dev * 1000.0f));
sprintf_P(&mess[15], PSTR("%03i.x"), (int)LROUND(zero_std_dev));
while (((zero_std_dev < test_precision && iterations < 31) || iterations <= force_iterations) && zero_std_dev > calibration_precision);
ac_cleanup(TERN_(HAS_MULTI_HOTEND, old_tool_index));