211 lines
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211 lines
6.5 KiB
* ARM Stack Unwinder, Michael.McTernan.2001@cs.bris.ac.uk
* Updated, adapted and several bug fixes on 2018 by Eduardo José Tagle
* This program is PUBLIC DOMAIN.
* This means that there is no copyright and anyone is able to take a copy
* for free and use it as they wish, with or without modifications, and in
* any context, commercially or otherwise. The only limitation is that I
* don't guarantee that the software is fit for any purpose or accept any
* liability for its use or misuse - this software is without warranty.
* File Description: Utility functions to access memory
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__thumb__)
#include "unwmemaccess.h"
#include "../../../inc/MarlinConfig.h"
/* Validate address */
// For DUE, valid address ranges are
// SRAM (0x20070000 - 0x20088000) (96kb)
// FLASH (0x00080000 - 0x00100000) (512kb)
#define START_SRAM_ADDR 0x20070000
#define END_SRAM_ADDR 0x20088000
#define START_FLASH_ADDR 0x00080000
#define END_FLASH_ADDR 0x00100000
#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
// For LPC1769:
// SRAM (0x10000000 - 0x10008000) (32kb)
// FLASH (0x00000000 - 0x00080000) (512kb)
#define START_SRAM_ADDR 0x10000000
#define END_SRAM_ADDR 0x10008000
#define START_FLASH_ADDR 0x00000000
#define END_FLASH_ADDR 0x00080000
#elif defined(__STM32F1__) || defined(STM32F1xx) || defined(STM32F0xx)
// For STM32F103ZET6/STM32F103VET6/STM32F0xx
// SRAM (0x20000000 - 0x20010000) (64kb)
// FLASH (0x08000000 - 0x08080000) (512kb)
#define START_SRAM_ADDR 0x20000000
#define END_SRAM_ADDR 0x20010000
#define START_FLASH_ADDR 0x08000000
#define END_FLASH_ADDR 0x08080000
#elif defined(STM32F4) || defined(STM32F4xx)
// For STM32F407VET
// SRAM (0x20000000 - 0x20030000) (192kb)
// FLASH (0x08000000 - 0x08080000) (512kb)
#define START_SRAM_ADDR 0x20000000
#define END_SRAM_ADDR 0x20030000
#define START_FLASH_ADDR 0x08000000
#define END_FLASH_ADDR 0x08080000
// For STM32F765VI in RemRam v1
// SRAM (0x20000000 - 0x20080000) (512kb)
// FLASH (0x08000000 - 0x08200000) (2048kb)
#define START_SRAM_ADDR 0x20000000
#define END_SRAM_ADDR 0x20080000
#define START_FLASH_ADDR 0x08000000
#define END_FLASH_ADDR 0x08200000
#elif defined(__MK20DX256__)
// For MK20DX256 in TEENSY 3.1 or TEENSY 3.2
// SRAM (0x1FFF8000 - 0x20008000) (64kb)
// FLASH (0x00000000 - 0x00040000) (256kb)
#define START_SRAM_ADDR 0x1FFF8000
#define END_SRAM_ADDR 0x20008000
#define START_FLASH_ADDR 0x00000000
#define END_FLASH_ADDR 0x00040000
#elif defined(__MK64FX512__)
// For MK64FX512 in TEENSY 3.5
// SRAM (0x1FFF0000 - 0x20020000) (192kb)
// FLASH (0x00000000 - 0x00080000) (512kb)
#define START_SRAM_ADDR 0x1FFF0000
#define END_SRAM_ADDR 0x20020000
#define START_FLASH_ADDR 0x00000000
#define END_FLASH_ADDR 0x00080000
#elif defined(__MK66FX1M0__)
// For MK66FX1M0 in TEENSY 3.6
// SRAM (0x1FFF0000 - 0x20030000) (256kb)
// FLASH (0x00000000 - 0x00140000) (1.25Mb)
#define START_SRAM_ADDR 0x1FFF0000
#define END_SRAM_ADDR 0x20030000
#define START_FLASH_ADDR 0x00000000
#define END_FLASH_ADDR 0x00140000
#elif defined(__IMXRT1062__)
// For IMXRT1062 in TEENSY 4.0/4/1
// ITCM (rwx): ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 512K
// DTCM (rwx): ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 512K
// RAM (rwx): ORIGIN = 0x20200000, LENGTH = 512K
// FLASH (rwx): ORIGIN = 0x60000000, LENGTH = 1984K
#define START_SRAM_ADDR 0x00000000
#define END_SRAM_ADDR 0x20280000
#define START_FLASH_ADDR 0x60000000
#define END_FLASH_ADDR 0x601F0000
#elif defined(__SAMD51P20A__)
// For SAMD51x20, valid address ranges are
// SRAM (0x20000000 - 0x20040000) (256kb)
// FLASH (0x00000000 - 0x00100000) (1024kb)
#define START_SRAM_ADDR 0x20000000
#define END_SRAM_ADDR 0x20040000
#define START_FLASH_ADDR 0x00000000
#define END_FLASH_ADDR 0x00100000
// Generic ARM code, that's testing if an access to the given address would cause a fault or not
// It can't guarantee an address is in RAM or Flash only, but we usually don't care
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT 0xE000ED28 // Configurable Fault Status Reg.
#define NVIC_CFG_CTRL 0xE000ED14 // Configuration Control Register
#define NVIC_FAULT_STAT_BFARV 0x00008000 // BFAR is valid
#define NVIC_CFG_CTRL_BFHFNMIGN 0x00000100 // Ignore bus fault in NMI/fault
#define HW_REG(X) (*((volatile unsigned long *)(X)))
static bool validate_addr(uint32_t read_address) {
bool works = true;
uint32_t intDisabled = 0;
// Read current interrupt state
__asm__ __volatile__ ("MRS %[result], PRIMASK\n\t" : [result]"=r"(intDisabled) :: ); // 0 is int enabled, 1 for disabled
// Clear bus fault indicator first (write 1 to clear)
// Ignore bus fault interrupt
// Disable interrupts if not disabled previously
if (!intDisabled) __asm__ __volatile__ ("CPSID f");
// Probe address
*(volatile uint32_t*)read_address;
// Check if a fault happened
works = false;
// Enable interrupts again if previously disabled
if (!intDisabled) __asm__ __volatile__ ("CPSIE f");
// Enable fault interrupt flag
return works;
static bool validate_addr(uint32_t addr) {
// Address must be in SRAM range
if (addr >= START_SRAM_ADDR && addr < END_SRAM_ADDR)
return true;
// Or in FLASH range
if (addr >= START_FLASH_ADDR && addr < END_FLASH_ADDR)
return true;
return false;
bool UnwReadW(const uint32_t a, uint32_t *v) {
if (!validate_addr(a))
return false;
*v = *(uint32_t *)a;
return true;
bool UnwReadH(const uint32_t a, uint16_t *v) {
if (!validate_addr(a))
return false;
*v = *(uint16_t *)a;
return true;
bool UnwReadB(const uint32_t a, uint8_t *v) {
if (!validate_addr(a))
return false;
*v = *(uint8_t *)a;
return true;
#endif // __arm__ || __thumb__