About Configuration.h: ・Fix the PR #4899 (ABL: Enable by type. Bilinear for all.) Remove Duplicated contents ・Fix the PR #4305 (Custom boot screen feature improvement) Revert from "during boot" to "during bootup" in all the example Configuration.h ・Fix the PR #4207 (Clean up, simplify and generalize the Allen-key-probe code.) Resolve and relocate the duplicated definitions in Z_PROBE_ALLEN_KEY section ・Follow-up the PR #4805 (Additional documentation of Configuration.h) Add forgotten changes to all the example Configuration.h Adjust spacing About Configuration_adv.h: Add missing description of SLOWDOWN for DELTA Adjust spacing
Configuration for Velleman K8400 Vertex
Configuration files for the K8400, ported upstream from the official Velleman firmware. Like it's predecessor, (K8200), the K8400 is a 3Drag clone. There are some minor differences, documented in pins_K8400.h.
Single and dual head configurations provided. Copy the correct Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h to the /Marlin/ directory.
NOTE: This configuration includes the community sourced feed rate fix. Use 100% feed rate in Repetier!
For implementation and updated K8400 firmware, see https://github.com/birkett/Velleman-K8400-Firmware
Original Sources
Credit to Velleman for the original 1.0.x based code: