* Add Max7219 LED Matrix Debug Support The Max7219 8x8 LED Matrix's are very helpful for debugging new code. And for that matter, just trying to maximize printer settings without causing stuttering. The displays are very inexpensive (under $2.00 with shipping) and provide a lot of help when trying to debug complicated code. * Try to keep Makefile up to date.
Felix 2.0/3.0 Configuration for Marlin Firmware
Bringing silky smooth prints to Felix.
- Install the latest non-beta Arduino software IDE/toolset: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
- Download the Marlin firmware
- In both cases use the "Download Zip" button on the right.
cd Marlin/Marlin
cp example_configurations/Felix/Configuration_adv.h .
The next step depends on your setup:
Single Extruder Configuration
cp example_configurations/Felix/Configuration.h .
Dual Extruder Configuration
cp example_configurations/Felix/DUAL/Configuration.h Configuration.h
Compile Firmware
- Start the Arduino IDE.
- Select Tools -> Board -> Arduino Mega 2560
- Select the correct serial port in Tools -> Serial Port (usually /dev/ttyUSB0)
- Open Marlin.pde or .ino
- Click the Verify/Compile button
Flash Firmware
Connected directly via USB
- Click the Upload button. If all goes well the firmware is uploading
Remote update
Find the latest Arduino build:
ls -altr /tmp/
drwxr-xr-x 5 chrono users 12288 Mar 3 21:41 build6072035599686630843.tmp
Copy the firmware to your printer host:
scp /tmp/build6072035599686630843.tmp/Marlin.cpp.hex a.b.c.d:/tmp/
Connect to your printer host via ssh, stop Octoprint or any other service that may block your USB device and make sure you have avrdude installed, then run:
avrdude -C/etc/avrdude.conf -v -v -v -patmega2560 -cwiring -P/dev/ttyUSB0 \
-b115200 -D -Uflash:w:/tmp/Marlin.cpp.hex:i
Mashed together and tested on https://apollo.open-resource.org/mission:resources:picoprint based on collaborative teamwork of @andrewsil1 and @thinkyhead.