/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #pragma once /** * English * * LCD Menu Messages * See also https://marlinfw.org/docs/development/lcd_language.html * * Substitutions are applied for the following characters when used * in menu items that call lcd_put_u8str_ind_P with an index: * * $ displays an inserted C-string * = displays '0'....'10' for indexes 0 - 10 * ~ displays '1'....'11' for indexes 0 - 10 * * displays 'E1'...'E11' for indexes 0 - 10 (By default. Uses LCD_FIRST_TOOL) * @ displays an axis name such as XYZUVW, or E for an extruder */ #define en 1234 #if LCD_LANGUAGE == en #define NOT_EXTENDED_ISO10646_1_5X7 #endif #undef en #define MEDIA_TYPE_EN "Media" namespace Language_en { constexpr uint8_t CHARSIZE = 2; LSTR LANGUAGE = _UxGT("English"); // These strings should be translated LSTR WELCOME_MSG = MACHINE_NAME _UxGT(" Ready."); LSTR MSG_YES = _UxGT("YES"); LSTR MSG_NO = _UxGT("NO"); LSTR MSG_HIGH = _UxGT("HIGH"); LSTR MSG_LOW = _UxGT("LOW"); LSTR MSG_BACK = _UxGT("Back"); LSTR MSG_ERROR = _UxGT("Error"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_ABORTING = _UxGT("Aborting..."); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_INSERTED = MEDIA_TYPE_EN _UxGT(" Inserted"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_REMOVED = MEDIA_TYPE_EN _UxGT(" Removed"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_WAITING = _UxGT("Waiting for ") MEDIA_TYPE_EN; LSTR MSG_MEDIA_INIT_FAIL = MEDIA_TYPE_EN _UxGT(" Init Fail"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_READ_ERROR = MEDIA_TYPE_EN _UxGT(" read error"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_USB_REMOVED = _UxGT("USB device removed"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_USB_FAILED = _UxGT("USB start failed"); LSTR MSG_KILL_SUBCALL_OVERFLOW = _UxGT("Subcall Overflow"); LSTR MSG_LCD_ENDSTOPS = _UxGT("Endstops"); // Max length 8 characters LSTR MSG_LCD_SOFT_ENDSTOPS = _UxGT("Soft Endstops"); LSTR MSG_MAIN = _UxGT("Main"); LSTR MSG_ADVANCED_SETTINGS = _UxGT("Advanced Settings"); LSTR MSG_TOOLBAR_SETUP = _UxGT("Toolbar Setup"); LSTR MSG_OPTION_DISABLED = _UxGT("Option Disabled"); LSTR MSG_CONFIGURATION = _UxGT("Configuration"); LSTR MSG_RUN_AUTO_FILES = _UxGT("Run Auto Files"); LSTR MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS = _UxGT("Disable Steppers"); LSTR MSG_DEBUG_MENU = _UxGT("Debug Menu"); LSTR MSG_PROGRESS_BAR_TEST = _UxGT("Progress Bar Test"); LSTR MSG_HOMING = _UxGT("Homing"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_HOME = _UxGT("Auto Home"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_HOME_A = _UxGT("Home @"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_HOME_X = _UxGT("Home X"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_HOME_Y = _UxGT("Home Y"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_HOME_Z = _UxGT("Home Z"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_SET = _UxGT("Filament Settings"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_MAN = _UxGT("Filament Management"); LSTR MSG_MANUAL_LEVELING = _UxGT("Manual Leveling"); LSTR MSG_LEVBED_FL = _UxGT("Front Left"); LSTR MSG_LEVBED_FR = _UxGT("Front Right"); LSTR MSG_LEVBED_C = _UxGT("Center"); LSTR MSG_LEVBED_BL = _UxGT("Back Left"); LSTR MSG_LEVBED_BR = _UxGT("Back Right"); LSTR MSG_MANUAL_MESH = _UxGT("Manual Mesh"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_MESH = _UxGT("Auto Build Mesh"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_Z_ALIGN = _UxGT("Auto Z-Align"); LSTR MSG_ITERATION = _UxGT("G34 Iteration: %i"); LSTR MSG_DECREASING_ACCURACY = _UxGT("Accuracy Decreasing!"); LSTR MSG_ACCURACY_ACHIEVED = _UxGT("Accuracy Achieved"); LSTR MSG_LEVEL_BED_HOMING = _UxGT("Homing XYZ"); LSTR MSG_LEVEL_BED_WAITING = _UxGT("Click to Begin"); LSTR MSG_LEVEL_BED_NEXT_POINT = _UxGT("Next Point"); LSTR MSG_LEVEL_BED_DONE = _UxGT("Leveling Done!"); LSTR MSG_Z_FADE_HEIGHT = _UxGT("Fade Height"); LSTR MSG_SET_HOME_OFFSETS = _UxGT("Set Home Offsets"); LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSET_X = _UxGT("Home Offset X"); LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSET_Y = _UxGT("Home Offset Y"); LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSET_Z = _UxGT("Home Offset Z"); LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSET_I = _UxGT("Home Offset ") STR_I; LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSET_J = _UxGT("Home Offset ") STR_J; LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSET_K = _UxGT("Home Offset ") STR_K; LSTR MSG_HOME_OFFSETS_APPLIED = _UxGT("Offsets Applied"); LSTR MSG_TRAMMING_WIZARD = _UxGT("Tramming Wizard"); LSTR MSG_SELECT_ORIGIN = _UxGT("Select Origin"); LSTR MSG_LAST_VALUE_SP = _UxGT("Last value "); #if HAS_PREHEAT LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1 = _UxGT("Preheat ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL; LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1_H = _UxGT("Preheat ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL " ~"; LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1_END = _UxGT("Preheat ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL _UxGT(" End"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1_END_E = _UxGT("Preheat ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL _UxGT(" End ~"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1_ALL = _UxGT("Preheat ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL _UxGT(" All"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1_BEDONLY = _UxGT("Preheat ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL _UxGT(" Bed"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_1_SETTINGS = _UxGT("Preheat ") PREHEAT_1_LABEL _UxGT(" Conf"); #ifdef PREHEAT_2_LABEL LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_2 = _UxGT("Preheat ") PREHEAT_2_LABEL; LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_2_SETTINGS = _UxGT("Preheat ") PREHEAT_2_LABEL _UxGT(" Conf"); #endif #ifdef PREHEAT_3_LABEL LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_3 = _UxGT("Preheat ") PREHEAT_3_LABEL; LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_3_SETTINGS = _UxGT("Preheat ") PREHEAT_3_LABEL _UxGT(" Conf"); #endif LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M = _UxGT("Preheat $"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M_H = _UxGT("Preheat $ ~"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M_END = _UxGT("Preheat $ End"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M_END_E = _UxGT("Preheat $ End ~"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M_ALL = _UxGT("Preheat $ All"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M_BEDONLY = _UxGT("Preheat $ Bed"); LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_M_SETTINGS = _UxGT("Preheat $ Conf"); #endif LSTR MSG_PREHEAT_CUSTOM = _UxGT("Preheat Custom"); LSTR MSG_COOLDOWN = _UxGT("Cooldown"); LSTR MSG_CUTTER_FREQUENCY = _UxGT("Frequency"); LSTR MSG_LASER_MENU = _UxGT("Laser Control"); LSTR MSG_SPINDLE_MENU = _UxGT("Spindle Control"); LSTR MSG_LASER_POWER = _UxGT("Laser Power"); LSTR MSG_SPINDLE_POWER = _UxGT("Spindle Pwr"); LSTR MSG_LASER_TOGGLE = _UxGT("Toggle Laser"); LSTR MSG_LASER_EVAC_TOGGLE = _UxGT("Toggle Blower"); LSTR MSG_LASER_ASSIST_TOGGLE = _UxGT("Air Assist"); LSTR MSG_LASER_PULSE_MS = _UxGT("Test Pulse ms"); LSTR MSG_LASER_FIRE_PULSE = _UxGT("Fire Pulse"); LSTR MSG_FLOWMETER_FAULT = _UxGT("Coolant Flow Fault"); LSTR MSG_SPINDLE_TOGGLE = _UxGT("Toggle Spindle"); LSTR MSG_SPINDLE_EVAC_TOGGLE = _UxGT("Toggle Vacuum"); LSTR MSG_SPINDLE_FORWARD = _UxGT("Spindle Forward"); LSTR MSG_SPINDLE_REVERSE = _UxGT("Spindle Reverse"); LSTR MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON = _UxGT("Switch Power On"); LSTR MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF = _UxGT("Switch Power Off"); LSTR MSG_EXTRUDE = _UxGT("Extrude"); LSTR MSG_RETRACT = _UxGT("Retract"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_AXIS = _UxGT("Move Axis"); LSTR MSG_BED_LEVELING = _UxGT("Bed Leveling"); LSTR MSG_LEVEL_BED = _UxGT("Level Bed"); LSTR MSG_BED_TRAMMING = _UxGT("Bed Tramming"); LSTR MSG_BED_TRAMMING_MANUAL = _UxGT("Manual Tramming"); LSTR MSG_BED_TRAMMING_RAISE = _UxGT("Adjust bed until the probe triggers."); LSTR MSG_BED_TRAMMING_IN_RANGE = _UxGT("Corners within tolerance. Bed trammed."); LSTR MSG_BED_TRAMMING_GOOD_POINTS = _UxGT("Good Points: "); LSTR MSG_BED_TRAMMING_LAST_Z = _UxGT("Last Z: "); LSTR MSG_NEXT_CORNER = _UxGT("Next Corner"); LSTR MSG_MESH_EDITOR = _UxGT("Mesh Editor"); LSTR MSG_MESH_VIEWER = _UxGT("Mesh Viewer"); LSTR MSG_EDIT_MESH = _UxGT("Edit Mesh"); LSTR MSG_MESH_VIEW = _UxGT("View Mesh"); LSTR MSG_EDITING_STOPPED = _UxGT("Mesh Editing Stopped"); LSTR MSG_NO_VALID_MESH = _UxGT("No valid mesh"); LSTR MSG_ACTIVATE_MESH = _UxGT("Activate Leveling"); LSTR MSG_PROBING_POINT = _UxGT("Probing Point"); LSTR MSG_MESH_X = _UxGT("Index X"); LSTR MSG_MESH_Y = _UxGT("Index Y"); LSTR MSG_MESH_INSET = _UxGT("Mesh Inset"); LSTR MSG_MESH_MIN_X = _UxGT("Mesh X Minimum"); LSTR MSG_MESH_MAX_X = _UxGT("Mesh X Maximum"); LSTR MSG_MESH_MIN_Y = _UxGT("Mesh Y Minimum"); LSTR MSG_MESH_MAX_Y = _UxGT("Mesh Y Maximum"); LSTR MSG_MESH_AMAX = _UxGT("Maximize Area"); LSTR MSG_MESH_CENTER = _UxGT("Center Area"); LSTR MSG_MESH_EDIT_Z = _UxGT("Z Value"); LSTR MSG_MESH_CANCEL = _UxGT("Mesh cancelled"); LSTR MSG_CUSTOM_COMMANDS = _UxGT("Custom Commands"); LSTR MSG_M48_TEST = _UxGT("M48 Probe Test"); LSTR MSG_M48_POINT = _UxGT("M48 Point"); LSTR MSG_M48_OUT_OF_BOUNDS = _UxGT("Probe out of bounds"); LSTR MSG_M48_DEVIATION = _UxGT("Deviation"); LSTR MSG_IDEX_MENU = _UxGT("IDEX Mode"); LSTR MSG_OFFSETS_MENU = _UxGT("Tool Offsets"); LSTR MSG_IDEX_MODE_AUTOPARK = _UxGT("Auto-Park"); LSTR MSG_IDEX_MODE_DUPLICATE = _UxGT("Duplication"); LSTR MSG_IDEX_MODE_MIRRORED_COPY = _UxGT("Mirrored Copy"); LSTR MSG_IDEX_MODE_FULL_CTRL = _UxGT("Full Control"); LSTR MSG_IDEX_DUPE_GAP = _UxGT("Duplicate X-Gap"); LSTR MSG_HOTEND_OFFSET_Z = _UxGT("2nd Nozzle Z"); LSTR MSG_HOTEND_OFFSET_A = _UxGT("2nd Nozzle @"); LSTR MSG_UBL_DOING_G29 = _UxGT("Doing G29"); LSTR MSG_UBL_TOOLS = _UxGT("UBL Tools"); LSTR MSG_UBL_LEVEL_BED = _UxGT("Unified Bed Leveling"); LSTR MSG_LCD_TILTING_MESH = _UxGT("Tilting Point"); LSTR MSG_UBL_TILT_MESH = _UxGT("Tilt Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_TILTING_GRID = _UxGT("Tilting Grid Size"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MESH_TILTED = _UxGT("Mesh Tilted"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MANUAL_MESH = _UxGT("Manually Build Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MESH_WIZARD = _UxGT("UBL Mesh Wizard"); LSTR MSG_UBL_BC_INSERT = _UxGT("Place Shim & Measure"); LSTR MSG_UBL_BC_INSERT2 = _UxGT("Measure"); LSTR MSG_UBL_BC_REMOVE = _UxGT("Remove & Measure Bed"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MOVING_TO_NEXT = _UxGT("Moving to next"); LSTR MSG_UBL_ACTIVATE_MESH = _UxGT("Activate UBL"); LSTR MSG_UBL_DEACTIVATE_MESH = _UxGT("Deactivate UBL"); LSTR MSG_UBL_SET_TEMP_BED = _UxGT("Bed Temp"); LSTR MSG_UBL_BED_TEMP_CUSTOM = _UxGT("Bed Temp"); LSTR MSG_UBL_SET_TEMP_HOTEND = _UxGT("Hotend Temp"); LSTR MSG_UBL_HOTEND_TEMP_CUSTOM = _UxGT("Hotend Temp"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MESH_EDIT = _UxGT("Mesh Edit"); LSTR MSG_UBL_EDIT_CUSTOM_MESH = _UxGT("Edit Custom Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_FINE_TUNE_MESH = _UxGT("Fine Tuning Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_DONE_EDITING_MESH = _UxGT("Done Editing Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_BUILD_CUSTOM_MESH = _UxGT("Build Custom Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_BUILD_MESH_MENU = _UxGT("Build Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_BUILD_MESH_M = _UxGT("Build Mesh ($)"); LSTR MSG_UBL_BUILD_COLD_MESH = _UxGT("Build Cold Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MESH_HEIGHT_ADJUST = _UxGT("Adjust Mesh Height"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MESH_HEIGHT_AMOUNT = _UxGT("Height Amount"); LSTR MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_MESH_MENU = _UxGT("Validate Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_MESH_M = _UxGT("Validate Mesh ($)"); LSTR MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_CUSTOM_MESH = _UxGT("Validate Custom Mesh"); LSTR MSG_G26_HEATING_BED = _UxGT("G26 Heating Bed"); LSTR MSG_G26_HEATING_NOZZLE = _UxGT("G26 Heating Nozzle"); LSTR MSG_G26_MANUAL_PRIME = _UxGT("Manual priming..."); LSTR MSG_G26_FIXED_LENGTH = _UxGT("Fixed Length Prime"); LSTR MSG_G26_PRIME_DONE = _UxGT("Done Priming"); LSTR MSG_G26_CANCELED = _UxGT("G26 Canceled"); LSTR MSG_G26_LEAVING = _UxGT("Leaving G26"); LSTR MSG_UBL_CONTINUE_MESH = _UxGT("Continue Bed Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MESH_LEVELING = _UxGT("Mesh Leveling"); LSTR MSG_UBL_3POINT_MESH_LEVELING = _UxGT("3-Point Leveling"); LSTR MSG_UBL_GRID_MESH_LEVELING = _UxGT("Grid Mesh Leveling"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MESH_LEVEL = _UxGT("Level Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_SIDE_POINTS = _UxGT("Side Points"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MAP_TYPE = _UxGT("Map Type"); LSTR MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP = _UxGT("Output Mesh Map"); LSTR MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP_HOST = _UxGT("Output for Host"); LSTR MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP_CSV = _UxGT("Output for CSV"); LSTR MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP_BACKUP = _UxGT("Off Printer Backup"); LSTR MSG_UBL_INFO_UBL = _UxGT("Output UBL Info"); LSTR MSG_UBL_FILLIN_AMOUNT = _UxGT("Fill-in Amount"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MANUAL_FILLIN = _UxGT("Manual Fill-in"); LSTR MSG_UBL_SMART_FILLIN = _UxGT("Smart Fill-in"); LSTR MSG_UBL_FILLIN_MESH = _UxGT("Fill-in Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_MESH_FILLED = _UxGT("Missing Points Filled"); LSTR MSG_UBL_INVALIDATE_ALL = _UxGT("Invalidate All"); LSTR MSG_UBL_INVALIDATE_CLOSEST = _UxGT("Invalidate Closest"); LSTR MSG_UBL_FINE_TUNE_ALL = _UxGT("Fine Tune All"); LSTR MSG_UBL_FINE_TUNE_CLOSEST = _UxGT("Fine Tune Closest"); LSTR MSG_UBL_STORAGE_MESH_MENU = _UxGT("Mesh Storage"); LSTR MSG_UBL_STORAGE_SLOT = _UxGT("Memory Slot"); LSTR MSG_UBL_LOAD_MESH = _UxGT("Load Bed Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_SAVE_MESH = _UxGT("Save Bed Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_INVALID_SLOT = _UxGT("First Select a Mesh Slot"); LSTR MSG_MESH_LOADED = _UxGT("Mesh %i Loaded"); LSTR MSG_MESH_SAVED = _UxGT("Mesh %i Saved"); LSTR MSG_UBL_NO_STORAGE = _UxGT("No Storage"); LSTR MSG_UBL_SAVE_ERROR = _UxGT("Err: UBL Save"); LSTR MSG_UBL_RESTORE_ERROR = _UxGT("Err: UBL Restore"); LSTR MSG_UBL_Z_OFFSET = _UxGT("Z-Offset: "); LSTR MSG_UBL_Z_OFFSET_STOPPED = _UxGT("Z-Offset Stopped"); LSTR MSG_UBL_STEP_BY_STEP_MENU = _UxGT("Step-By-Step UBL"); LSTR MSG_UBL_1_BUILD_COLD_MESH = _UxGT("1. Build Cold Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_2_SMART_FILLIN = _UxGT("2. Smart Fill-in"); LSTR MSG_UBL_3_VALIDATE_MESH_MENU = _UxGT("3. Validate Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_4_FINE_TUNE_ALL = _UxGT("4. Fine Tune All"); LSTR MSG_UBL_5_VALIDATE_MESH_MENU = _UxGT("5. Validate Mesh"); LSTR MSG_UBL_6_FINE_TUNE_ALL = _UxGT("6. Fine Tune All"); LSTR MSG_UBL_7_SAVE_MESH = _UxGT("7. Save Bed Mesh"); LSTR MSG_LED_CONTROL = _UxGT("LED Control"); LSTR MSG_LEDS = _UxGT("Lights"); LSTR MSG_LED_PRESETS = _UxGT("Light Presets"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_RED = _UxGT("Red"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_ORANGE = _UxGT("Orange"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_YELLOW = _UxGT("Yellow"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_GREEN = _UxGT("Green"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_BLUE = _UxGT("Blue"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_INDIGO = _UxGT("Indigo"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_VIOLET = _UxGT("Violet"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_WHITE = _UxGT("White"); LSTR MSG_SET_LEDS_DEFAULT = _UxGT("Default"); LSTR MSG_LED_CHANNEL_N = _UxGT("Channel ="); LSTR MSG_LEDS2 = _UxGT("Lights #2"); LSTR MSG_NEO2_PRESETS = _UxGT("Light #2 Presets"); LSTR MSG_NEO2_BRIGHTNESS = _UxGT("Brightness"); LSTR MSG_CUSTOM_LEDS = _UxGT("Custom Lights"); LSTR MSG_INTENSITY_R = _UxGT("Red Intensity"); LSTR MSG_INTENSITY_G = _UxGT("Green Intensity"); LSTR MSG_INTENSITY_B = _UxGT("Blue Intensity"); LSTR MSG_INTENSITY_W = _UxGT("White Intensity"); LSTR MSG_LED_BRIGHTNESS = _UxGT("Brightness"); LSTR MSG_MOVING = _UxGT("Moving..."); LSTR MSG_FREE_XY = _UxGT("Free XY"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_X = _UxGT("Move X"); // Used by draw_edit_screen LSTR MSG_MOVE_Y = _UxGT("Move Y"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_Z = _UxGT("Move Z"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_I = _UxGT("Move ") STR_I; LSTR MSG_MOVE_J = _UxGT("Move ") STR_J; LSTR MSG_MOVE_K = _UxGT("Move ") STR_K; LSTR MSG_MOVE_E = _UxGT("Move Extruder"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_EN = _UxGT("Move E*"); LSTR MSG_HOTEND_TOO_COLD = _UxGT("Hotend too cold"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_N_MM = _UxGT("Move %smm"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_01MM = _UxGT("Move 0.1mm"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_1MM = _UxGT("Move 1mm"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_10MM = _UxGT("Move 10mm"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_100MM = _UxGT("Move 100mm"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_0001IN = _UxGT("Move 0.001in"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_001IN = _UxGT("Move 0.01in"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_01IN = _UxGT("Move 0.1in"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_1IN = _UxGT("Move 1.0in"); LSTR MSG_SPEED = _UxGT("Speed"); LSTR MSG_MAXSPEED = _UxGT("Max Speed (mm/s)"); LSTR MSG_MAXSPEED_X = _UxGT("Max ") STR_A _UxGT(" Speed"); LSTR MSG_MAXSPEED_Y = _UxGT("Max ") STR_B _UxGT(" Speed"); LSTR MSG_MAXSPEED_Z = _UxGT("Max ") STR_C _UxGT(" Speed"); LSTR MSG_MAXSPEED_E = _UxGT("Max ") STR_E _UxGT(" Speed"); LSTR MSG_MAXSPEED_A = _UxGT("Max @ Speed"); LSTR MSG_BED_Z = _UxGT("Bed Z"); LSTR MSG_NOZZLE = _UxGT("Nozzle"); LSTR MSG_NOZZLE_N = _UxGT("Nozzle ~"); LSTR MSG_NOZZLE_PARKED = _UxGT("Nozzle Parked"); LSTR MSG_NOZZLE_STANDBY = _UxGT("Nozzle Standby"); LSTR MSG_BED = _UxGT("Bed"); LSTR MSG_CHAMBER = _UxGT("Enclosure"); LSTR MSG_COOLER = _UxGT("Laser Coolant"); LSTR MSG_COOLER_TOGGLE = _UxGT("Toggle Cooler"); LSTR MSG_FLOWMETER_SAFETY = _UxGT("Flow Safety"); LSTR MSG_LASER = _UxGT("Laser"); LSTR MSG_FAN_SPEED = _UxGT("Fan Speed"); LSTR MSG_FAN_SPEED_N = _UxGT("Fan Speed ~"); LSTR MSG_STORED_FAN_N = _UxGT("Stored Fan ~"); LSTR MSG_EXTRA_FAN_SPEED = _UxGT("Extra Fan Speed"); LSTR MSG_EXTRA_FAN_SPEED_N = _UxGT("Extra Fan Speed ~"); LSTR MSG_CONTROLLER_FAN = _UxGT("Controller Fan"); LSTR MSG_CONTROLLER_FAN_IDLE_SPEED = _UxGT("Idle Speed"); LSTR MSG_CONTROLLER_FAN_AUTO_ON = _UxGT("Auto Mode"); LSTR MSG_CONTROLLER_FAN_SPEED = _UxGT("Active Speed"); LSTR MSG_CONTROLLER_FAN_DURATION = _UxGT("Idle Period"); LSTR MSG_FLOW = _UxGT("Flow"); LSTR MSG_FLOW_N = _UxGT("Flow ~"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL = _UxGT("Control"); LSTR MSG_MIN = " " LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" Min"); LSTR MSG_MAX = " " LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" Max"); LSTR MSG_FACTOR = " " LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" Fact"); LSTR MSG_AUTOTEMP = _UxGT("Autotemp"); LSTR MSG_LCD_ON = _UxGT("On"); LSTR MSG_LCD_OFF = _UxGT("Off"); LSTR MSG_PID_AUTOTUNE = _UxGT("PID Autotune"); LSTR MSG_PID_AUTOTUNE_E = _UxGT("PID Autotune *"); LSTR MSG_PID_CYCLE = _UxGT("PID Cycles"); LSTR MSG_PID_AUTOTUNE_DONE = _UxGT("PID tuning done"); LSTR MSG_PID_AUTOTUNE_FAILED = _UxGT("PID Autotune failed!"); LSTR MSG_BAD_EXTRUDER_NUM = _UxGT("Bad extruder."); LSTR MSG_TEMP_TOO_HIGH = _UxGT("Temperature too high."); LSTR MSG_TIMEOUT = _UxGT("Timeout."); LSTR MSG_PID_BAD_EXTRUDER_NUM = _UxGT("Autotune failed! Bad extruder."); LSTR MSG_PID_TEMP_TOO_HIGH = _UxGT("Autotune failed! Temperature too high."); LSTR MSG_PID_TIMEOUT = _UxGT("Autotune failed! Timeout."); LSTR MSG_MPC_MEASURING_AMBIENT = _UxGT("Testing heat loss"); LSTR MSG_MPC_AUTOTUNE = _UxGT("MPC Autotune"); LSTR MSG_MPC_EDIT = _UxGT("Edit * MPC"); LSTR MSG_MPC_POWER_E = _UxGT("Power *"); LSTR MSG_MPC_BLOCK_HEAT_CAPACITY_E = _UxGT("Block C *"); LSTR MSG_SENSOR_RESPONSIVENESS_E = _UxGT("Sensor res *"); LSTR MSG_MPC_AMBIENT_XFER_COEFF_E = _UxGT("Ambient h *"); LSTR MSG_MPC_AMBIENT_XFER_COEFF_FAN255_E= _UxGT("Amb. h fan *"); LSTR MSG_SELECT = _UxGT("Select"); LSTR MSG_SELECT_E = _UxGT("Select *"); LSTR MSG_ACC = _UxGT("Accel"); LSTR MSG_JERK = _UxGT("Jerk"); LSTR MSG_VA_JERK = _UxGT("Max ") STR_A _UxGT(" Jerk"); LSTR MSG_VB_JERK = _UxGT("Max ") STR_B _UxGT(" Jerk"); LSTR MSG_VC_JERK = _UxGT("Max ") STR_C _UxGT(" Jerk"); LSTR MSG_VI_JERK = _UxGT("Max ") STR_I _UxGT(" Jerk"); LSTR MSG_VJ_JERK = _UxGT("Max ") STR_J _UxGT(" Jerk"); LSTR MSG_VK_JERK = _UxGT("Max ") STR_K _UxGT(" Jerk"); LSTR MSG_VE_JERK = _UxGT("Max E Jerk"); LSTR MSG_JUNCTION_DEVIATION = _UxGT("Junction Dev"); LSTR MSG_VELOCITY = _UxGT("Velocity"); LSTR MSG_VMAX_A = _UxGT("Max ") STR_A _UxGT(" Vel"); LSTR MSG_VMAX_B = _UxGT("Max ") STR_B _UxGT(" Vel"); LSTR MSG_VMAX_C = _UxGT("Max ") STR_C _UxGT(" Vel"); LSTR MSG_VMAX_I = _UxGT("Max ") STR_I _UxGT(" Vel"); LSTR MSG_VMAX_J = _UxGT("Max ") STR_J _UxGT(" Vel"); LSTR MSG_VMAX_K = _UxGT("Max ") STR_K _UxGT(" Vel"); LSTR MSG_VMAX_E = _UxGT("Max ") STR_E _UxGT(" Vel"); LSTR MSG_VMAX_EN = _UxGT("Max * Vel"); LSTR MSG_VMIN = _UxGT("Min Velocity"); LSTR MSG_VTRAV_MIN = _UxGT("Min Travel Vel"); LSTR MSG_ACCELERATION = _UxGT("Acceleration"); LSTR MSG_AMAX_A = _UxGT("Max ") STR_A _UxGT(" Accel"); LSTR MSG_AMAX_B = _UxGT("Max ") STR_B _UxGT(" Accel"); LSTR MSG_AMAX_C = _UxGT("Max ") STR_C _UxGT(" Accel"); LSTR MSG_AMAX_I = _UxGT("Max ") STR_I _UxGT(" Accel"); LSTR MSG_AMAX_J = _UxGT("Max ") STR_J _UxGT(" Accel"); LSTR MSG_AMAX_K = _UxGT("Max ") STR_K _UxGT(" Accel"); LSTR MSG_AMAX_E = _UxGT("Max ") STR_E _UxGT(" Accel"); LSTR MSG_AMAX_EN = _UxGT("Max * Accel"); LSTR MSG_A_RETRACT = _UxGT("Retract Accel"); LSTR MSG_A_TRAVEL = _UxGT("Travel Accel"); LSTR MSG_XY_FREQUENCY_LIMIT = _UxGT("XY Freq Limit"); LSTR MSG_XY_FREQUENCY_FEEDRATE = _UxGT("Min FR Factor"); LSTR MSG_STEPS_PER_MM = _UxGT("Steps/mm"); LSTR MSG_A_STEPS = STR_A _UxGT(" Steps/mm"); LSTR MSG_B_STEPS = STR_B _UxGT(" Steps/mm"); LSTR MSG_C_STEPS = STR_C _UxGT(" Steps/mm"); LSTR MSG_I_STEPS = STR_I _UxGT(" Steps/mm"); LSTR MSG_J_STEPS = STR_J _UxGT(" Steps/mm"); LSTR MSG_K_STEPS = STR_K _UxGT(" Steps/mm"); LSTR MSG_E_STEPS = _UxGT("E steps/mm"); LSTR MSG_EN_STEPS = _UxGT("* Steps/mm"); LSTR MSG_TEMPERATURE = _UxGT("Temperature"); LSTR MSG_MOTION = _UxGT("Motion"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Filament"); LSTR MSG_VOLUMETRIC_ENABLED = _UxGT("E in mm") SUPERSCRIPT_THREE; LSTR MSG_VOLUMETRIC_LIMIT = _UxGT("E Limit in mm") SUPERSCRIPT_THREE; LSTR MSG_VOLUMETRIC_LIMIT_E = _UxGT("E Limit *"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_DIAM = _UxGT("Fil. Dia."); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_DIAM_E = _UxGT("Fil. Dia. *"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_UNLOAD = _UxGT("Unload mm"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_LOAD = _UxGT("Load mm"); LSTR MSG_ADVANCE_K = _UxGT("Advance K"); LSTR MSG_ADVANCE_K_E = _UxGT("Advance K *"); LSTR MSG_CONTRAST = _UxGT("LCD Contrast"); LSTR MSG_BRIGHTNESS = _UxGT("LCD Brightness"); LSTR MSG_LCD_TIMEOUT_SEC = _UxGT("LCD Timeout (s)"); LSTR MSG_BRIGHTNESS_OFF = _UxGT("Backlight Off"); LSTR MSG_STORE_EEPROM = _UxGT("Store Settings"); LSTR MSG_LOAD_EEPROM = _UxGT("Load Settings"); LSTR MSG_RESTORE_DEFAULTS = _UxGT("Restore Defaults"); LSTR MSG_INIT_EEPROM = _UxGT("Initialize EEPROM"); LSTR MSG_ERR_EEPROM_CRC = _UxGT("EEPROM CRC Error"); LSTR MSG_ERR_EEPROM_INDEX = _UxGT("EEPROM Index Error"); LSTR MSG_ERR_EEPROM_VERSION = _UxGT("EEPROM Version Error"); LSTR MSG_SETTINGS_STORED = _UxGT("Settings Stored"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_UPDATE = MEDIA_TYPE_EN _UxGT(" Update"); LSTR MSG_RESET_PRINTER = _UxGT("Reset Printer"); LSTR MSG_REFRESH = LCD_STR_REFRESH _UxGT("Refresh"); LSTR MSG_INFO_SCREEN = _UxGT("Info Screen"); LSTR MSG_INFO_MACHINENAME = _UxGT("Machine Name"); LSTR MSG_INFO_SIZE = _UxGT("Size"); LSTR MSG_INFO_FWVERSION = _UxGT("Firmware Version"); LSTR MSG_INFO_BUILD = _UxGT("Build Datetime"); LSTR MSG_PREPARE = _UxGT("Prepare"); LSTR MSG_TUNE = _UxGT("Tune"); LSTR MSG_POWER_MONITOR = _UxGT("Power monitor"); LSTR MSG_CURRENT = _UxGT("Current"); LSTR MSG_VOLTAGE = _UxGT("Voltage"); LSTR MSG_POWER = _UxGT("Power"); LSTR MSG_START_PRINT = _UxGT("Start Print"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_NEXT = _UxGT("Next"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_INIT = _UxGT("Init"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_STOP = _UxGT("Stop"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_PRINT = _UxGT("Print"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_RESET = _UxGT("Reset"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_IGNORE = _UxGT("Ignore"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_CANCEL = _UxGT("Cancel"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_CONFIRM = _UxGT("Confirm"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_CONTINUE = _UxGT("Continue"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_DONE = _UxGT("Done"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_BACK = _UxGT("Back"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_PROCEED = _UxGT("Proceed"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_SKIP = _UxGT("Skip"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_INFO = _UxGT("Info"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_LEVEL = _UxGT("Level"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_PAUSE = _UxGT("Pause"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_RESUME = _UxGT("Resume"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_ADVANCED = _UxGT("Advanced"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_SAVE = _UxGT("Save"); LSTR MSG_BUTTON_PURGE = _UxGT("Purge"); LSTR MSG_PAUSING = _UxGT("Pausing..."); LSTR MSG_PAUSE_PRINT = _UxGT("Pause Print"); LSTR MSG_ADVANCED_PAUSE = _UxGT("Advanced Pause"); LSTR MSG_RESUME_PRINT = _UxGT("Resume Print"); LSTR MSG_HOST_START_PRINT = _UxGT("Start Host Print"); LSTR MSG_STOP_PRINT = _UxGT("Stop Print"); LSTR MSG_END_LOOPS = _UxGT("End Repeat Loops"); LSTR MSG_PRINTING_OBJECT = _UxGT("Printing Object"); LSTR MSG_CANCEL_OBJECT = _UxGT("Cancel Object"); LSTR MSG_CANCEL_OBJECT_N = _UxGT("Cancel Object ="); LSTR MSG_OUTAGE_RECOVERY = _UxGT("Power Outage"); LSTR MSG_CONTINUE_PRINT_JOB = _UxGT("Continue Print Job"); LSTR MSG_MEDIA_MENU = _UxGT("Print from ") MEDIA_TYPE_EN; LSTR MSG_NO_MEDIA = _UxGT("No ") MEDIA_TYPE_EN; LSTR MSG_DWELL = _UxGT("Sleep..."); LSTR MSG_USERWAIT = _UxGT("Click to Resume..."); LSTR MSG_PRINT_PAUSED = _UxGT("Print Paused"); LSTR MSG_PRINTING = _UxGT("Printing..."); LSTR MSG_STOPPING = _UxGT("Stopping..."); LSTR MSG_REMAINING_TIME = _UxGT("Remaining"); LSTR MSG_PRINT_ABORTED = _UxGT("Print Aborted"); LSTR MSG_PRINT_DONE = _UxGT("Print Done"); LSTR MSG_PRINTER_KILLED = _UxGT("Printer killed!"); LSTR MSG_TURN_OFF = _UxGT("Turn off the printer"); LSTR MSG_NO_MOVE = _UxGT("No Move."); LSTR MSG_KILLED = _UxGT("KILLED. "); LSTR MSG_STOPPED = _UxGT("STOPPED. "); LSTR MSG_FWRETRACT = _UxGT("Firmware Retract"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT = _UxGT("Retract mm"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_SWAP = _UxGT("Swap Re.mm"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF = _UxGT("Retract V"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_ZHOP = _UxGT("Hop mm"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER = _UxGT("Unretr. mm"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER_SWAP = _UxGT("S Unretr. mm"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVERF = _UxGT("Unretract V"); LSTR MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER_SWAPF = _UxGT("S UnRet V"); LSTR MSG_AUTORETRACT = _UxGT("Auto-Retract"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_SWAP_LENGTH = _UxGT("Swap Length"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_SWAP_EXTRA = _UxGT("Swap Extra"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_PURGE_LENGTH = _UxGT("Purge Length"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_CHANGE = _UxGT("Tool Change"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_CHANGE_ZLIFT = _UxGT("Z Raise"); LSTR MSG_SINGLENOZZLE_PRIME_SPEED = _UxGT("Prime Speed"); LSTR MSG_SINGLENOZZLE_RETRACT_SPEED = _UxGT("Retract Speed"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_PARK_ENABLED = _UxGT("Park Head"); LSTR MSG_SINGLENOZZLE_UNRETRACT_SPEED = _UxGT("Recover Speed"); LSTR MSG_SINGLENOZZLE_FAN_SPEED = _UxGT("Fan Speed"); LSTR MSG_SINGLENOZZLE_FAN_TIME = _UxGT("Fan Time"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_MIGRATION_ON = _UxGT("Auto ON"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_MIGRATION_OFF = _UxGT("Auto OFF"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_MIGRATION = _UxGT("Tool Migration"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_MIGRATION_AUTO = _UxGT("Auto-migration"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_MIGRATION_END = _UxGT("Last Extruder"); LSTR MSG_TOOL_MIGRATION_SWAP = _UxGT("Migrate to *"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE = _UxGT("Change Filament"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE_E = _UxGT("Change Filament *"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTLOAD = _UxGT("Load Filament"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTLOAD_E = _UxGT("Load *"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTUNLOAD = _UxGT("Unload Filament"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTUNLOAD_E = _UxGT("Unload *"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENTUNLOAD_ALL = _UxGT("Unload All"); LSTR MSG_ATTACH_MEDIA = _UxGT("Attach ") MEDIA_TYPE_EN; LSTR MSG_CHANGE_MEDIA = _UxGT("Change ") MEDIA_TYPE_EN; LSTR MSG_RELEASE_MEDIA = _UxGT("Release ") MEDIA_TYPE_EN; LSTR MSG_ZPROBE_OUT = _UxGT("Z Probe Past Bed"); LSTR MSG_SKEW_FACTOR = _UxGT("Skew Factor"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH = _UxGT("BLTouch"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_SELFTEST = _UxGT("Self-Test"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_RESET = _UxGT("Reset"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_STOW = _UxGT("Stow"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_DEPLOY = _UxGT("Deploy"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_SW_MODE = _UxGT("SW-Mode"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_SPEED_MODE = _UxGT("High Speed"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_5V_MODE = _UxGT("5V-Mode"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_OD_MODE = _UxGT("OD-Mode"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_MODE_STORE = _UxGT("Mode-Store"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_MODE_STORE_5V = _UxGT("Set BLTouch to 5V"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_MODE_STORE_OD = _UxGT("Set BLTouch to OD"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_MODE_ECHO = _UxGT("Report Drain"); LSTR MSG_BLTOUCH_MODE_CHANGE = _UxGT("DANGER: Bad settings can cause damage! Proceed anyway?"); LSTR MSG_TOUCHMI_PROBE = _UxGT("TouchMI"); LSTR MSG_TOUCHMI_INIT = _UxGT("Init TouchMI"); LSTR MSG_TOUCHMI_ZTEST = _UxGT("Z Offset Test"); LSTR MSG_TOUCHMI_SAVE = _UxGT("Save"); LSTR MSG_MANUAL_DEPLOY_TOUCHMI = _UxGT("Deploy TouchMI"); LSTR MSG_MANUAL_DEPLOY = _UxGT("Deploy Z-Probe"); LSTR MSG_MANUAL_STOW = _UxGT("Stow Z-Probe"); LSTR MSG_HOME_FIRST = _UxGT("Home %s%s%s First"); LSTR MSG_ZPROBE_SETTINGS = _UxGT("Probe Settings"); LSTR MSG_ZPROBE_OFFSETS = _UxGT("Probe Offsets"); LSTR MSG_ZPROBE_XOFFSET = _UxGT("Probe X Offset"); LSTR MSG_ZPROBE_YOFFSET = _UxGT("Probe Y Offset"); LSTR MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET = _UxGT("Probe Z Offset"); LSTR MSG_ZPROBE_MARGIN = _UxGT("Probe Margin"); LSTR MSG_Z_FEED_RATE = _UxGT("Z Feed Rate"); LSTR MSG_ENABLE_HS_MODE = _UxGT("Enable HS mode"); LSTR MSG_MOVE_NOZZLE_TO_BED = _UxGT("Move Nozzle to Bed"); LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_X = _UxGT("Babystep X"); LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_Y = _UxGT("Babystep Y"); LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_Z = _UxGT("Babystep Z"); LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_I = _UxGT("Babystep ") STR_I; LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_J = _UxGT("Babystep ") STR_J; LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_K = _UxGT("Babystep ") STR_K; LSTR MSG_BABYSTEP_TOTAL = _UxGT("Total"); LSTR MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT = _UxGT("Endstop Abort"); LSTR MSG_HEATING_FAILED_LCD = _UxGT("Heating Failed"); LSTR MSG_ERR_REDUNDANT_TEMP = _UxGT("Err: REDUNDANT TEMP"); LSTR MSG_THERMAL_RUNAWAY = _UxGT("THERMAL RUNAWAY"); LSTR MSG_TEMP_MALFUNCTION = _UxGT("TEMP MALFUNCTION"); LSTR MSG_THERMAL_RUNAWAY_BED = _UxGT("BED THERMAL RUNAWAY"); LSTR MSG_THERMAL_RUNAWAY_CHAMBER = _UxGT("CHAMBER T. RUNAWAY"); LSTR MSG_THERMAL_RUNAWAY_COOLER = _UxGT("Cooler Runaway"); LSTR MSG_COOLING_FAILED = _UxGT("Cooling Failed"); LSTR MSG_ERR_MAXTEMP = _UxGT("Err: MAXTEMP"); LSTR MSG_ERR_MINTEMP = _UxGT("Err: MINTEMP"); LSTR MSG_HALTED = _UxGT("PRINTER HALTED"); LSTR MSG_PLEASE_WAIT = _UxGT("Please wait..."); LSTR MSG_PLEASE_RESET = _UxGT("Please Reset"); LSTR MSG_PREHEATING = _UxGT("Preheating..."); LSTR MSG_HEATING = _UxGT("Heating..."); LSTR MSG_COOLING = _UxGT("Cooling..."); LSTR MSG_BED_HEATING = _UxGT("Bed Heating..."); LSTR MSG_BED_COOLING = _UxGT("Bed Cooling..."); LSTR MSG_PROBE_HEATING = _UxGT("Probe Heating..."); LSTR MSG_PROBE_COOLING = _UxGT("Probe Cooling..."); LSTR MSG_CHAMBER_HEATING = _UxGT("Chamber Heating..."); LSTR MSG_CHAMBER_COOLING = _UxGT("Chamber Cooling..."); LSTR MSG_LASER_COOLING = _UxGT("Laser Cooling..."); LSTR MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE = _UxGT("Delta Calibration"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_X = _UxGT("Calibrate X"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_Y = _UxGT("Calibrate Y"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_Z = _UxGT("Calibrate Z"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_CENTER = _UxGT("Calibrate Center"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_SETTINGS = _UxGT("Delta Settings"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_AUTO_CALIBRATE = _UxGT("Auto Calibration"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_HEIGHT_CALIBRATE = _UxGT("Set Delta Height"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_Z_OFFSET_CALIBRATE = _UxGT("Probe Z-offset"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_DIAG_ROD = _UxGT("Diag Rod"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_HEIGHT = _UxGT("Height"); LSTR MSG_DELTA_RADIUS = _UxGT("Radius"); LSTR MSG_INFO_MENU = _UxGT("About Printer"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINTER_MENU = _UxGT("Printer Info"); LSTR MSG_3POINT_LEVELING = _UxGT("3-Point Leveling"); LSTR MSG_LINEAR_LEVELING = _UxGT("Linear Leveling"); LSTR MSG_BILINEAR_LEVELING = _UxGT("Bilinear Leveling"); LSTR MSG_UBL_LEVELING = _UxGT("Unified Bed Leveling"); LSTR MSG_MESH_LEVELING = _UxGT("Mesh Leveling"); LSTR MSG_MESH_DONE = _UxGT("Mesh probing done"); LSTR MSG_INFO_STATS_MENU = _UxGT("Printer Stats"); LSTR MSG_INFO_BOARD_MENU = _UxGT("Board Info"); LSTR MSG_INFO_THERMISTOR_MENU = _UxGT("Thermistors"); LSTR MSG_INFO_EXTRUDERS = _UxGT("Extruders"); LSTR MSG_INFO_BAUDRATE = _UxGT("Baud"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PROTOCOL = _UxGT("Protocol"); LSTR MSG_INFO_RUNAWAY_OFF = _UxGT("Runaway Watch: OFF"); LSTR MSG_INFO_RUNAWAY_ON = _UxGT("Runaway Watch: ON"); LSTR MSG_HOTEND_IDLE_TIMEOUT = _UxGT("Hotend Idle Timeout"); LSTR MSG_FAN_SPEED_FAULT = _UxGT("Fan speed fault"); LSTR MSG_CASE_LIGHT = _UxGT("Case Light"); LSTR MSG_CASE_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS = _UxGT("Light Brightness"); LSTR MSG_KILL_EXPECTED_PRINTER = _UxGT("INCORRECT PRINTER"); LSTR MSG_COLORS_GET = _UxGT("Get Color"); LSTR MSG_COLORS_SELECT = _UxGT("Select Colors"); LSTR MSG_COLORS_APPLIED = _UxGT("Colors applied"); LSTR MSG_COLORS_RED = _UxGT("Red"); LSTR MSG_COLORS_GREEN = _UxGT("Green"); LSTR MSG_COLORS_BLUE = _UxGT("Blue"); LSTR MSG_COLORS_WHITE = _UxGT("White"); LSTR MSG_UI_LANGUAGE = _UxGT("UI Language"); LSTR MSG_SOUND_ENABLE = _UxGT("Enable sound"); LSTR MSG_LOCKSCREEN = _UxGT("Lock Screen"); LSTR MSG_LOCKSCREEN_LOCKED = _UxGT("Printer is Locked,"); LSTR MSG_LOCKSCREEN_UNLOCK = _UxGT("Scroll to unlock."); LSTR MSG_PLEASE_WAIT_REBOOT = _UxGT("Please wait until reboot."); #if LCD_WIDTH >= 20 || HAS_DWIN_E3V2 LSTR MSG_MEDIA_NOT_INSERTED = _UxGT("No media inserted."); LSTR MSG_PLEASE_PREHEAT = _UxGT("Please preheat the hot end."); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_COUNT_RESET = _UxGT("Reset Print Count"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_COUNT = _UxGT("Print Count"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_TIME = _UxGT("Print Time"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_LONGEST = _UxGT("Longest Job Time"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Extruded Total"); #else LSTR MSG_MEDIA_NOT_INSERTED = _UxGT("No Media"); LSTR MSG_PLEASE_PREHEAT = _UxGT("Please Preheat"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_COUNT = _UxGT("Prints"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_TIME = _UxGT("Total"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_LONGEST = _UxGT("Longest"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PRINT_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Extruded"); #endif LSTR MSG_INFO_COMPLETED_PRINTS = _UxGT("Completed"); LSTR MSG_INFO_MIN_TEMP = _UxGT("Min Temp"); LSTR MSG_INFO_MAX_TEMP = _UxGT("Max Temp"); LSTR MSG_INFO_PSU = _UxGT("PSU"); LSTR MSG_DRIVE_STRENGTH = _UxGT("Drive Strength"); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_A = STR_A _UxGT(" Driver %"); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_B = STR_B _UxGT(" Driver %"); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_C = STR_C _UxGT(" Driver %"); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_I = STR_I _UxGT(" Driver %"); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_J = STR_J _UxGT(" Driver %"); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_K = STR_K _UxGT(" Driver %"); LSTR MSG_DAC_PERCENT_E = _UxGT("E Driver %"); LSTR MSG_ERROR_TMC = _UxGT("TMC CONNECTION ERROR"); LSTR MSG_DAC_EEPROM_WRITE = _UxGT("DAC EEPROM Write"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEADER = _UxGT("FILAMENT CHANGE"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEADER_PAUSE = _UxGT("PRINT PAUSED"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEADER_LOAD = _UxGT("LOAD FILAMENT"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEADER_UNLOAD = _UxGT("UNLOAD FILAMENT"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_OPTION_HEADER = _UxGT("RESUME OPTIONS:"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_OPTION_PURGE = _UxGT("Purge more"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_OPTION_RESUME = _UxGT("Continue"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_PURGE_CONTINUE = _UxGT("Purge or Continue?"); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_NOZZLE = _UxGT(" Nozzle: "); LSTR MSG_RUNOUT_SENSOR = _UxGT("Runout Sensor"); LSTR MSG_RUNOUT_DISTANCE_MM = _UxGT("Runout Dist mm"); LSTR MSG_RUNOUT_ENABLE = _UxGT("Enable Runout"); LSTR MSG_RUNOUT_ACTIVE = _UxGT("Runout Active"); LSTR MSG_INVERT_EXTRUDER = _UxGT("Invert Extruder"); LSTR MSG_EXTRUDER_MIN_TEMP = _UxGT("Extruder Min Temp."); LSTR MSG_FANCHECK = _UxGT("Fan Tacho Check"); LSTR MSG_KILL_HOMING_FAILED = _UxGT("Homing Failed"); LSTR MSG_LCD_PROBING_FAILED = _UxGT("Probing Failed"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_CHOOSE_FILAMENT_HEADER = _UxGT("CHOOSE FILAMENT"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_MENU = _UxGT("MMU"); LSTR MSG_KILL_MMU2_FIRMWARE = _UxGT("Update MMU Firmware!"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_NOT_RESPONDING = _UxGT("MMU Needs Attention."); LSTR MSG_MMU2_RESUME = _UxGT("MMU Resume"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_RESUMING = _UxGT("MMU Resuming..."); LSTR MSG_MMU2_LOAD_FILAMENT = _UxGT("MMU Load"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_LOAD_ALL = _UxGT("MMU Load All"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_LOAD_TO_NOZZLE = _UxGT("MMU Load to Nozzle"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_EJECT_FILAMENT = _UxGT("MMU Eject"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_EJECT_FILAMENT_N = _UxGT("MMU Eject ~"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_UNLOAD_FILAMENT = _UxGT("MMU Unload"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_LOADING_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Loading Fil. %i..."); LSTR MSG_MMU2_EJECTING_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Ejecting Fil. ..."); LSTR MSG_MMU2_UNLOADING_FILAMENT = _UxGT("Unloading Fil...."); LSTR MSG_MMU2_ALL = _UxGT("All"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_FILAMENT_N = _UxGT("Filament ~"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_RESET = _UxGT("Reset MMU"); LSTR MSG_MMU2_RESETTING = _UxGT("MMU Resetting..."); LSTR MSG_MMU2_EJECT_RECOVER = _UxGT("Remove, click"); LSTR MSG_MIX = _UxGT("Mix"); LSTR MSG_MIX_COMPONENT_N = _UxGT("Component ="); LSTR MSG_MIXER = _UxGT("Mixer"); LSTR MSG_GRADIENT = _UxGT("Gradient"); LSTR MSG_FULL_GRADIENT = _UxGT("Full Gradient"); LSTR MSG_TOGGLE_MIX = _UxGT("Toggle Mix"); LSTR MSG_CYCLE_MIX = _UxGT("Cycle Mix"); LSTR MSG_GRADIENT_MIX = _UxGT("Gradient Mix"); LSTR MSG_REVERSE_GRADIENT = _UxGT("Reverse Gradient"); LSTR MSG_ACTIVE_VTOOL = _UxGT("Active V-tool"); LSTR MSG_START_VTOOL = _UxGT("Start V-tool"); LSTR MSG_END_VTOOL = _UxGT(" End V-tool"); LSTR MSG_GRADIENT_ALIAS = _UxGT("Alias V-tool"); LSTR MSG_RESET_VTOOLS = _UxGT("Reset V-tools"); LSTR MSG_COMMIT_VTOOL = _UxGT("Commit V-tool Mix"); LSTR MSG_VTOOLS_RESET = _UxGT("V-tools Were Reset"); LSTR MSG_START_Z = _UxGT("Start Z:"); LSTR MSG_END_Z = _UxGT(" End Z:"); LSTR MSG_GAMES = _UxGT("Games"); LSTR MSG_BRICKOUT = _UxGT("Brickout"); LSTR MSG_INVADERS = _UxGT("Invaders"); LSTR MSG_SNAKE = _UxGT("Sn4k3"); LSTR MSG_MAZE = _UxGT("Maze"); LSTR MSG_BAD_PAGE = _UxGT("Bad page index"); LSTR MSG_BAD_PAGE_SPEED = _UxGT("Bad page speed"); LSTR MSG_EDIT_PASSWORD = _UxGT("Edit Password"); LSTR MSG_LOGIN_REQUIRED = _UxGT("Login Required"); LSTR MSG_PASSWORD_SETTINGS = _UxGT("Password Settings"); LSTR MSG_ENTER_DIGIT = _UxGT("Enter Digit"); LSTR MSG_CHANGE_PASSWORD = _UxGT("Set/Edit Password"); LSTR MSG_REMOVE_PASSWORD = _UxGT("Remove Password"); LSTR MSG_PASSWORD_SET = _UxGT("Password is "); LSTR MSG_START_OVER = _UxGT("Start Over"); LSTR MSG_REMINDER_SAVE_SETTINGS = _UxGT("Remember to Save!"); LSTR MSG_PASSWORD_REMOVED = _UxGT("Password Removed"); // // Filament Change screens show up to 3 lines on a 4-line display // ...or up to 2 lines on a 3-line display // #if LCD_HEIGHT >= 4 LSTR MSG_ADVANCED_PAUSE_WAITING = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Press Button", "to resume print")); LSTR MSG_PAUSE_PRINT_PARKING = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Parking...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT = _UxGT(MSG_3_LINE("Wait for", "filament change", "to start")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT = _UxGT(MSG_3_LINE("Insert filament", "and press button", "to continue")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEAT = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Press button", "to heat nozzle")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEATING = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Nozzle heating", "Please wait...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Wait for", "filament unload")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Wait for", "filament load")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_PURGE = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Wait for", "filament purge")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_CONT_PURGE = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Click to finish", "filament purge")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_RESUME = _UxGT(MSG_2_LINE("Wait for print", "to resume...")); #else LSTR MSG_ADVANCED_PAUSE_WAITING = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Click to continue")); LSTR MSG_PAUSE_PRINT_PARKING = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Parking...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Please wait...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Insert and Click")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEAT = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Click to heat")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEATING = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Heating...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Ejecting...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Loading...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_PURGE = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Purging...")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_CONT_PURGE = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Click to finish")); LSTR MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_RESUME = _UxGT(MSG_1_LINE("Resuming...")); #endif LSTR MSG_TMC_DRIVERS = _UxGT("TMC Drivers"); LSTR MSG_TMC_CURRENT = _UxGT("Driver Current"); LSTR MSG_TMC_HYBRID_THRS = _UxGT("Hybrid Threshold"); LSTR MSG_TMC_HOMING_THRS = _UxGT("Sensorless Homing"); LSTR MSG_TMC_STEPPING_MODE = _UxGT("Stepping Mode"); LSTR MSG_TMC_STEALTH_ENABLED = _UxGT("StealthChop Enabled"); LSTR MSG_SERVICE_RESET = _UxGT("Reset"); LSTR MSG_SERVICE_IN = _UxGT(" in:"); LSTR MSG_BACKLASH = _UxGT("Backlash"); LSTR MSG_BACKLASH_CORRECTION = _UxGT("Correction"); LSTR MSG_BACKLASH_SMOOTHING = _UxGT("Smoothing"); LSTR MSG_LEVEL_X_AXIS = _UxGT("Level X Axis"); LSTR MSG_AUTO_CALIBRATE = _UxGT("Auto Calibrate"); #if ENABLED(TOUCH_UI_FTDI_EVE) LSTR MSG_HEATER_TIMEOUT = _UxGT("Idle timeout, temperature decreased. Press Okay to reheat and again to resume."); #else LSTR MSG_HEATER_TIMEOUT = _UxGT("Heater Timeout"); #endif LSTR MSG_REHEAT = _UxGT("Reheat"); LSTR MSG_REHEATING = _UxGT("Reheating..."); LSTR MSG_REHEATDONE = _UxGT("Reheat Done"); LSTR MSG_PROBE_WIZARD = _UxGT("Z Probe Wizard"); LSTR MSG_PROBE_WIZARD_PROBING = _UxGT("Probing Z Reference"); LSTR MSG_PROBE_WIZARD_MOVING = _UxGT("Moving to Probing Pos"); LSTR MSG_XATC = _UxGT("X-Twist Wizard"); LSTR MSG_XATC_DONE = _UxGT("X-Twist Wizard Done!"); LSTR MSG_XATC_UPDATE_Z_OFFSET = _UxGT("Update Probe Z-Offset to "); LSTR MSG_SOUND = _UxGT("Sound"); LSTR MSG_TOP_LEFT = _UxGT("Top Left"); LSTR MSG_BOTTOM_LEFT = _UxGT("Bottom Left"); LSTR MSG_TOP_RIGHT = _UxGT("Top Right"); LSTR MSG_BOTTOM_RIGHT = _UxGT("Bottom Right"); LSTR MSG_CALIBRATION_COMPLETED = _UxGT("Calibration Completed"); LSTR MSG_CALIBRATION_FAILED = _UxGT("Calibration Failed"); LSTR MSG_DRIVER_BACKWARD = _UxGT(" driver backward"); LSTR MSG_SD_CARD = _UxGT("SD Card"); LSTR MSG_USB_DISK = _UxGT("USB Disk"); LSTR MSG_HOST_SHUTDOWN = _UxGT("Host Shutdown"); // These strings can be the same in all languages LSTR MSG_MARLIN = _UxGT("Marlin"); LSTR MSG_SHORT_DAY = _UxGT("d"); // One character only LSTR MSG_SHORT_HOUR = _UxGT("h"); // One character only LSTR MSG_SHORT_MINUTE = _UxGT("m"); // One character only LSTR MSG_PID_P = _UxGT("PID-P"); LSTR MSG_PID_P_E = _UxGT("PID-P *"); LSTR MSG_PID_I = _UxGT("PID-I"); LSTR MSG_PID_I_E = _UxGT("PID-I *"); LSTR MSG_PID_D = _UxGT("PID-D"); LSTR MSG_PID_D_E = _UxGT("PID-D *"); LSTR MSG_PID_C = _UxGT("PID-C"); LSTR MSG_PID_C_E = _UxGT("PID-C *"); LSTR MSG_PID_F = _UxGT("PID-F"); LSTR MSG_PID_F_E = _UxGT("PID-F *"); LSTR MSG_BACKLASH_A = STR_A; LSTR MSG_BACKLASH_B = STR_B; LSTR MSG_BACKLASH_C = STR_C; LSTR MSG_BACKLASH_I = STR_I; LSTR MSG_BACKLASH_J = STR_J; LSTR MSG_BACKLASH_K = STR_K; } #if FAN_COUNT == 1 #define MSG_FIRST_FAN_SPEED MSG_FAN_SPEED #define MSG_EXTRA_FIRST_FAN_SPEED MSG_EXTRA_FAN_SPEED #else #define MSG_FIRST_FAN_SPEED MSG_FAN_SPEED_N #define MSG_EXTRA_FIRST_FAN_SPEED MSG_EXTRA_FAN_SPEED_N #endif