/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "../../inc/MarlinConfig.h" #include "../gcode.h" #include "../../module/stepper.h" #include "../../module/endstops.h" #if HAS_MULTI_HOTEND #include "../../module/tool_change.h" #endif #if HAS_LEVELING #include "../../feature/bedlevel/bedlevel.h" #endif #if ENABLED(SENSORLESS_HOMING) #include "../../feature/tmc_util.h" #endif #include "../../module/probe.h" #if ENABLED(BLTOUCH) #include "../../feature/bltouch.h" #endif #include "../../lcd/ultralcd.h" #if ENABLED(DWIN_CREALITY_LCD) #include "../../lcd/dwin/dwin.h" #endif #if HAS_L64XX // set L6470 absolute position registers to counts #include "../../libs/L64XX/L64XX_Marlin.h" #endif #if ENABLED(LASER_MOVE_G28_OFF) #include "../../feature/spindle_laser.h" #endif #define DEBUG_OUT ENABLED(DEBUG_LEVELING_FEATURE) #include "../../core/debug_out.h" #if ENABLED(QUICK_HOME) static void quick_home_xy() { // Pretend the current position is 0,0 current_position.set(0.0, 0.0); sync_plan_position(); const int x_axis_home_dir = x_home_dir(active_extruder); const float mlx = max_length(X_AXIS), mly = max_length(Y_AXIS), mlratio = mlx > mly ? mly / mlx : mlx / mly, fr_mm_s = _MIN(homing_feedrate(X_AXIS), homing_feedrate(Y_AXIS)) * SQRT(sq(mlratio) + 1.0); #if ENABLED(SENSORLESS_HOMING) sensorless_t stealth_states { tmc_enable_stallguard(stepperX) , tmc_enable_stallguard(stepperY) , false , false #if AXIS_HAS_STALLGUARD(X2) || tmc_enable_stallguard(stepperX2) #endif , false #if AXIS_HAS_STALLGUARD(Y2) || tmc_enable_stallguard(stepperY2) #endif }; #endif do_blocking_move_to_xy(1.5 * mlx * x_axis_home_dir, 1.5 * mly * home_dir(Y_AXIS), fr_mm_s); endstops.validate_homing_move(); current_position.set(0.0, 0.0); #if ENABLED(SENSORLESS_HOMING) tmc_disable_stallguard(stepperX, stealth_states.x); tmc_disable_stallguard(stepperY, stealth_states.y); #if AXIS_HAS_STALLGUARD(X2) tmc_disable_stallguard(stepperX2, stealth_states.x2); #endif #if AXIS_HAS_STALLGUARD(Y2) tmc_disable_stallguard(stepperY2, stealth_states.y2); #endif #endif } #endif // QUICK_HOME #if ENABLED(Z_SAFE_HOMING) inline void home_z_safely() { DEBUG_SECTION(log_G28, "home_z_safely", DEBUGGING(LEVELING)); // Disallow Z homing if X or Y homing is needed if (homing_needed_error(_BV(X_AXIS) | _BV(Y_AXIS))) return; sync_plan_position(); /** * Move the Z probe (or just the nozzle) to the safe homing point * (Z is already at the right height) */ destination.set(safe_homing_xy, current_position.z); TERN_(HOMING_Z_WITH_PROBE, destination -= probe.offset_xy); if (position_is_reachable(destination)) { if (DEBUGGING(LEVELING)) DEBUG_POS("home_z_safely", destination); // This causes the carriage on Dual X to unpark TERN_(DUAL_X_CARRIAGE, active_extruder_parked = false); TERN_(SENSORLESS_HOMING, safe_delay(500)); // Short delay needed to settle do_blocking_move_to_xy(destination); homeaxis(Z_AXIS); } else { LCD_MESSAGEPGM(MSG_ZPROBE_OUT); SERIAL_ECHO_MSG(STR_ZPROBE_OUT_SER); } } #endif // Z_SAFE_HOMING #if ENABLED(IMPROVE_HOMING_RELIABILITY) slow_homing_t begin_slow_homing() { slow_homing_t slow_homing{0}; slow_homing.acceleration.set(planner.settings.max_acceleration_mm_per_s2[X_AXIS], planner.settings.max_acceleration_mm_per_s2[Y_AXIS]); planner.settings.max_acceleration_mm_per_s2[X_AXIS] = 100; planner.settings.max_acceleration_mm_per_s2[Y_AXIS] = 100; #if HAS_CLASSIC_JERK slow_homing.jerk_xy = planner.max_jerk; planner.max_jerk.set(0, 0); #endif planner.reset_acceleration_rates(); return slow_homing; } void end_slow_homing(const slow_homing_t &slow_homing) { planner.settings.max_acceleration_mm_per_s2[X_AXIS] = slow_homing.acceleration.x; planner.settings.max_acceleration_mm_per_s2[Y_AXIS] = slow_homing.acceleration.y; TERN_(HAS_CLASSIC_JERK, planner.max_jerk = slow_homing.jerk_xy); planner.reset_acceleration_rates(); } #endif // IMPROVE_HOMING_RELIABILITY /** * G28: Home all axes according to settings * * Parameters * * None Home to all axes with no parameters. * With QUICK_HOME enabled XY will home together, then Z. * * O Home only if position is unknown * * Rn Raise by n mm/inches before homing * * Cartesian/SCARA parameters * * X Home to the X endstop * Y Home to the Y endstop * Z Home to the Z endstop * */ void GcodeSuite::G28() { DEBUG_SECTION(log_G28, "G28", DEBUGGING(LEVELING)); if (DEBUGGING(LEVELING)) log_machine_info(); TERN_(LASER_MOVE_G28_OFF, cutter.set_inline_enabled(false)); // turn off laser TERN_(DWIN_CREALITY_LCD, HMI_flag.home_flag = true); #if ENABLED(DUAL_X_CARRIAGE) bool IDEX_saved_duplication_state = extruder_duplication_enabled; DualXMode IDEX_saved_mode = dual_x_carriage_mode; #endif #if ENABLED(MARLIN_DEV_MODE) if (parser.seen('S')) { LOOP_XYZ(a) set_axis_is_at_home((AxisEnum)a); sync_plan_position(); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Simulated Homing"); report_current_position(); return; } #endif // Home (O)nly if position is unknown if (!homing_needed() && parser.boolval('O')) { if (DEBUGGING(LEVELING)) DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("> homing not needed, skip"); return; } // Wait for planner moves to finish! planner.synchronize(); // Disable the leveling matrix before homing #if HAS_LEVELING // Cancel the active G29 session TERN_(PROBE_MANUALLY, g29_in_progress = false); TERN_(RESTORE_LEVELING_AFTER_G28, const bool leveling_was_active = planner.leveling_active); set_bed_leveling_enabled(false); #endif TERN_(CNC_WORKSPACE_PLANES, workspace_plane = PLANE_XY); // Count this command as movement / activity reset_stepper_timeout(); #define HAS_CURRENT_HOME(N) (defined(N##_CURRENT_HOME) && N##_CURRENT_HOME != N##_CURRENT) #if HAS_CURRENT_HOME(X) || HAS_CURRENT_HOME(X2) || HAS_CURRENT_HOME(Y) || HAS_CURRENT_HOME(Y2) #define HAS_HOMING_CURRENT 1 #endif #if HAS_HOMING_CURRENT auto debug_current = [](PGM_P const s, const int16_t a, const int16_t b){ serialprintPGM(s); DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" current: ", a, " -> ", b); }; #if HAS_CURRENT_HOME(X) const int16_t tmc_save_current_X = stepperX.getMilliamps(); stepperX.rms_current(X_CURRENT_HOME); if (DEBUGGING(LEVELING)) debug_current(PSTR("X"), tmc_save_current_X, X_CURRENT_HOME); #endif #if HAS_CURRENT_HOME(X2) const int16_t tmc_save_current_X2 = stepperX2.getMilliamps(); stepperX2.rms_current(X2_CURRENT_HOME); if (DEBUGGING(LEVELING)) debug_current(PSTR("X2"), tmc_save_current_X2, X2_CURRENT_HOME); #endif #if HAS_CURRENT_HOME(Y) const int16_t tmc_save_current_Y = stepperY.getMilliamps(); stepperY.rms_current(Y_CURRENT_HOME); if (DEBUGGING(LEVELING)) debug_current(PSTR("Y"), tmc_save_current_Y, Y_CURRENT_HOME); #endif #if HAS_CURRENT_HOME(Y2) const int16_t tmc_save_current_Y2 = stepperY2.getMilliamps(); stepperY2.rms_current(Y2_CURRENT_HOME); if (DEBUGGING(LEVELING)) debug_current(PSTR("Y2"), tmc_save_current_Y2, Y2_CURRENT_HOME); #endif #endif TERN_(IMPROVE_HOMING_RELIABILITY, slow_homing_t slow_homing = begin_slow_homing()); // Always home with tool 0 active #if HAS_MULTI_HOTEND #if DISABLED(DELTA) || ENABLED(DELTA_HOME_TO_SAFE_ZONE) const uint8_t old_tool_index = active_extruder; #endif tool_change(0, true); #endif TERN_(HAS_DUPLICATION_MODE, extruder_duplication_enabled = false); remember_feedrate_scaling_off(); endstops.enable(true); // Enable endstops for next homing move #if ENABLED(DELTA) constexpr bool doZ = true; // for NANODLP_Z_SYNC if your DLP is on a DELTA home_delta(); TERN_(IMPROVE_HOMING_RELIABILITY, end_slow_homing(slow_homing)); #else // NOT DELTA const bool homeZ = parser.seen('Z'), needX = homeZ && TERN0(Z_SAFE_HOMING, axes_should_home(_BV(X_AXIS))), needY = homeZ && TERN0(Z_SAFE_HOMING, axes_should_home(_BV(Y_AXIS))), homeX = needX || parser.seen('X'), homeY = needY || parser.seen('Y'), home_all = homeX == homeY && homeX == homeZ, // All or None doX = home_all || homeX, doY = home_all || homeY, doZ = home_all || homeZ; #if Z_HOME_DIR > 0 // If homing away from BED do Z first if (doZ) homeaxis(Z_AXIS); #endif const float z_homing_height = ENABLED(UNKNOWN_Z_NO_RAISE) && !TEST(axis_known_position, Z_AXIS) ? 0 : (parser.seenval('R') ? parser.value_linear_units() : Z_HOMING_HEIGHT); if (z_homing_height && (doX || doY || (ENABLED(Z_SAFE_HOMING) && doZ))) { // Raise Z before homing any other axes and z is not already high enough (never lower z) if (DEBUGGING(LEVELING)) DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR("Raise Z (before homing) by ", z_homing_height); do_z_clearance(z_homing_height, true, DISABLED(UNKNOWN_Z_NO_RAISE)); } #if ENABLED(QUICK_HOME) if (doX && doY) quick_home_xy(); #endif // Home Y (before X) if (ENABLED(HOME_Y_BEFORE_X) && (doY || (ENABLED(CODEPENDENT_XY_HOMING) && doX))) homeaxis(Y_AXIS); // Home X if (doX || (doY && ENABLED(CODEPENDENT_XY_HOMING) && DISABLED(HOME_Y_BEFORE_X))) { #if ENABLED(DUAL_X_CARRIAGE) // Always home the 2nd (right) extruder first active_extruder = 1; homeaxis(X_AXIS); // Remember this extruder's position for later tool change inactive_extruder_x_pos = current_position.x; // Home the 1st (left) extruder active_extruder = 0; homeaxis(X_AXIS); // Consider the active extruder to be parked raised_parked_position = current_position; delayed_move_time = 0; active_extruder_parked = true; #else homeaxis(X_AXIS); #endif } // Home Y (after X) if (DISABLED(HOME_Y_BEFORE_X) && doY) homeaxis(Y_AXIS); TERN_(IMPROVE_HOMING_RELIABILITY, end_slow_homing(slow_homing)); // Home Z last if homing towards the bed #if Z_HOME_DIR < 0 if (doZ) { TERN_(BLTOUCH, bltouch.init()); TERN(Z_SAFE_HOMING, home_z_safely(), homeaxis(Z_AXIS)); probe.move_z_after_homing(); } // doZ #endif // Z_HOME_DIR < 0 sync_plan_position(); #endif // !DELTA (G28) /** * Preserve DXC mode across a G28 for IDEX printers in DXC_DUPLICATION_MODE. * This is important because it lets a user use the LCD Panel to set an IDEX Duplication mode, and * then print a standard GCode file that contains a single print that does a G28 and has no other * IDEX specific commands in it. */ #if ENABLED(DUAL_X_CARRIAGE) if (dxc_is_duplicating()) { TERN_(IMPROVE_HOMING_RELIABILITY, slow_homing = begin_slow_homing()); // Always home the 2nd (right) extruder first active_extruder = 1; homeaxis(X_AXIS); // Remember this extruder's position for later tool change inactive_extruder_x_pos = current_position.x; // Home the 1st (left) extruder active_extruder = 0; homeaxis(X_AXIS); // Consider the active extruder to be parked raised_parked_position = current_position; delayed_move_time = 0; active_extruder_parked = true; extruder_duplication_enabled = IDEX_saved_duplication_state; dual_x_carriage_mode = IDEX_saved_mode; stepper.set_directions(); TERN_(IMPROVE_HOMING_RELIABILITY, end_slow_homing(slow_homing)); } #endif // DUAL_X_CARRIAGE endstops.not_homing(); // Clear endstop state for polled stallGuard endstops TERN_(SPI_ENDSTOPS, endstops.clear_endstop_state()); #if BOTH(DELTA, DELTA_HOME_TO_SAFE_ZONE) // move to a height where we can use the full xy-area do_blocking_move_to_z(delta_clip_start_height); #endif TERN_(RESTORE_LEVELING_AFTER_G28, set_bed_leveling_enabled(leveling_was_active)); restore_feedrate_and_scaling(); // Restore the active tool after homing #if HAS_MULTI_HOTEND && (DISABLED(DELTA) || ENABLED(DELTA_HOME_TO_SAFE_ZONE)) tool_change(old_tool_index, NONE(PARKING_EXTRUDER, DUAL_X_CARRIAGE)); // Do move if one of these #endif #if HAS_HOMING_CURRENT if (DEBUGGING(LEVELING)) DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("Restore driver current..."); #if HAS_CURRENT_HOME(X) stepperX.rms_current(tmc_save_current_X); #endif #if HAS_CURRENT_HOME(X2) stepperX2.rms_current(tmc_save_current_X2); #endif #if HAS_CURRENT_HOME(Y) stepperY.rms_current(tmc_save_current_Y); #endif #if HAS_CURRENT_HOME(Y2) stepperY2.rms_current(tmc_save_current_Y2); #endif #endif ui.refresh(); TERN_(DWIN_CREALITY_LCD, DWIN_CompletedHoming()); report_current_position(); if (ENABLED(NANODLP_Z_SYNC) && (doZ || ENABLED(NANODLP_ALL_AXIS))) SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(STR_Z_MOVE_COMP); #if HAS_L64XX // Set L6470 absolute position registers to counts // constexpr *might* move this to PROGMEM. // If not, this will need a PROGMEM directive and an accessor. static constexpr AxisEnum L64XX_axis_xref[MAX_L64XX] = { X_AXIS, Y_AXIS, Z_AXIS, X_AXIS, Y_AXIS, Z_AXIS, Z_AXIS, E_AXIS, E_AXIS, E_AXIS, E_AXIS, E_AXIS, E_AXIS }; for (uint8_t j = 1; j <= L64XX::chain[0]; j++) { const uint8_t cv = L64XX::chain[j]; L64xxManager.set_param((L64XX_axis_t)cv, L6470_ABS_POS, stepper.position(L64XX_axis_xref[cv])); } #endif }