/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2019 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ /** * feature/runout.cpp - Runout sensor support */ #include "../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h" #if HAS_FILAMENT_SENSOR #include "runout.h" FilamentMonitor runout; bool FilamentMonitorBase::enabled = true, FilamentMonitorBase::filament_ran_out; // = false #if ENABLED(HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS) bool FilamentMonitorBase::host_handling; // = false #endif /** * Called by FilamentSensorSwitch::run when filament is detected. * Called by FilamentSensorEncoder::block_completed when motion is detected. */ void FilamentSensorBase::filament_present(const uint8_t extruder) { runout.filament_present(extruder); // calls response.filament_present(extruder) } #if ENABLED(FILAMENT_MOTION_SENSOR) uint8_t FilamentSensorEncoder::motion_detected; #endif #ifdef FILAMENT_RUNOUT_DISTANCE_MM float RunoutResponseDelayed::runout_distance_mm = FILAMENT_RUNOUT_DISTANCE_MM; volatile float RunoutResponseDelayed::runout_mm_countdown[EXTRUDERS]; #else int8_t RunoutResponseDebounced::runout_count; // = 0 #endif // // Filament Runout event handler // #include "../MarlinCore.h" #include "../gcode/queue.h" #if ENABLED(HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS) #include "host_actions.h" #endif #if ENABLED(EXTENSIBLE_UI) #include "../lcd/extensible_ui/ui_api.h" #endif void event_filament_runout() { #if ENABLED(ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE) if (did_pause_print) return; // Action already in progress. Purge triggered repeated runout. #endif #if ENABLED(EXTENSIBLE_UI) ExtUI::onFilamentRunout(ExtUI::getActiveTool()); #endif #if EITHER(HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT, HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS) const char tool = '0' #if NUM_RUNOUT_SENSORS > 1 + active_extruder #endif ; #endif //action:out_of_filament #if ENABLED(HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT) host_prompt_reason = PROMPT_FILAMENT_RUNOUT; host_action_prompt_end(); host_action_prompt_begin(PSTR("FilamentRunout T"), false); SERIAL_CHAR(tool); SERIAL_EOL(); host_action_prompt_show(); #endif const bool run_runout_script = !runout.host_handling; #if ENABLED(HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS) if (run_runout_script && ( strstr(FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SCRIPT, "M600") || strstr(FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SCRIPT, "M125") #if ENABLED(ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE) || strstr(FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SCRIPT, "M25") #endif ) ) { host_action_paused(false); } else { // Legacy Repetier command for use until newer version supports standard dialog // To be removed later when pause command also triggers dialog #ifdef ACTION_ON_FILAMENT_RUNOUT host_action(PSTR(ACTION_ON_FILAMENT_RUNOUT " T"), false); SERIAL_CHAR(tool); SERIAL_EOL(); #endif host_action_pause(false); } SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" " ACTION_REASON_ON_FILAMENT_RUNOUT " "); SERIAL_CHAR(tool); SERIAL_EOL(); #endif // HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS if (run_runout_script) queue.inject_P(PSTR(FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SCRIPT)); } #endif // HAS_FILAMENT_SENSOR