/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #ifndef I2CPOSENC_H #define I2CPOSENC_H #include "MarlinConfig.h" #if ENABLED(I2C_POSITION_ENCODERS) #include "enum.h" #include "macros.h" #include "types.h" #include <Wire.h> //=========== Advanced / Less-Common Encoder Configuration Settings ========== #define I2CPE_EC_THRESH_PROPORTIONAL // if enabled adjusts the error correction threshold // proportional to the current speed of the axis allows // for very small error margin at low speeds without // stuttering due to reading latency at high speeds #define I2CPE_DEBUG // enable encoder-related debug serial echos #define I2CPE_REBOOT_TIME 5000 // time we wait for an encoder module to reboot // after changing address. #define I2CPE_MAG_SIG_GOOD 0 #define I2CPE_MAG_SIG_MID 1 #define I2CPE_MAG_SIG_BAD 2 #define I2CPE_MAG_SIG_NF 255 #define I2CPE_REQ_REPORT 0 #define I2CPE_RESET_COUNT 1 #define I2CPE_SET_ADDR 2 #define I2CPE_SET_REPORT_MODE 3 #define I2CPE_CLEAR_EEPROM 4 #define I2CPE_LED_PAR_MODE 10 #define I2CPE_LED_PAR_BRT 11 #define I2CPE_LED_PAR_RATE 14 #define I2CPE_REPORT_DISTANCE 0 #define I2CPE_REPORT_STRENGTH 1 #define I2CPE_REPORT_VERSION 2 // Default I2C addresses #define I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X 30 #define I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Y 31 #define I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_Z 32 #define I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_E 33 #define I2CPE_DEF_AXIS X_AXIS #define I2CPE_DEF_ADDR I2CPE_PRESET_ADDR_X // Error event counter; tracks how many times there is an error exceeding a certain threshold #define I2CPE_ERR_CNT_THRESH 3.00 #define I2CPE_ERR_CNT_DEBOUNCE_MS 2000 #if ENABLED(I2CPE_ERR_ROLLING_AVERAGE) #define I2CPE_ERR_ARRAY_SIZE 32 #endif // Error Correction Methods #define I2CPE_ECM_NONE 0 #define I2CPE_ECM_MICROSTEP 1 #define I2CPE_ECM_PLANNER 2 #define I2CPE_ECM_STALLDETECT 3 // Encoder types #define I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY 0 #define I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR 1 // Parser #define I2CPE_PARSE_ERR 1 #define I2CPE_PARSE_OK 0 #define LOOP_PE(VAR) LOOP_L_N(VAR, I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT) #define CHECK_IDX if (!WITHIN(idx, 0, I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT - 1)) return; extern const char axis_codes[XYZE]; typedef union { volatile long val = 0; uint8_t bval[4]; } i2cLong; class I2CPositionEncoder { private: AxisEnum encoderAxis = I2CPE_DEF_AXIS; uint8_t i2cAddress = I2CPE_DEF_ADDR, ecMethod = I2CPE_DEF_EC_METHOD, type = I2CPE_DEF_TYPE, H = I2CPE_MAG_SIG_NF; // Magnetic field strength int encoderTicksPerUnit = I2CPE_DEF_ENC_TICKS_UNIT, stepperTicks = I2CPE_DEF_TICKS_REV; float ecThreshold = I2CPE_DEF_EC_THRESH; bool homed = false, trusted = false, initialised = false, active = false, invert = false, ec = true; int errorCount = 0, errorPrev = 0; float axisOffset = 0; long axisOffsetTicks = 0, zeroOffset = 0, lastPosition = 0, position; unsigned long lastPositionTime = 0, lastErrorCountTime = 0, lastErrorTime; //double positionMm; //calculate #if ENABLED(I2CPE_ERR_ROLLING_AVERAGE) uint8_t errIdx = 0; int err[I2CPE_ERR_ARRAY_SIZE] = {0}; #endif public: void init(uint8_t address, AxisEnum axis); void reset(); void update(); void set_homed(); long get_raw_count(); FORCE_INLINE double mm_from_count(long count) { if (type == I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR) return count / encoderTicksPerUnit; else if (type == I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY) return (count * stepperTicks) / (encoderTicksPerUnit * planner.axis_steps_per_mm[encoderAxis]); return -1; } FORCE_INLINE double get_position_mm() { return mm_from_count(get_position()); } FORCE_INLINE long get_position() { return get_raw_count() - zeroOffset - axisOffsetTicks; } long get_axis_error_steps(bool report); double get_axis_error_mm(bool report); void calibrate_steps_mm(int iter); bool passes_test(bool report); bool test_axis(void); FORCE_INLINE int get_error_count(void) { return errorCount; } FORCE_INLINE void set_error_count(int newCount) { errorCount = newCount; } FORCE_INLINE uint8_t get_address() { return i2cAddress; } FORCE_INLINE void set_address(uint8_t addr) { i2cAddress = addr; } FORCE_INLINE bool get_active(void) { return active; } FORCE_INLINE void set_active(bool a) { active = a; } FORCE_INLINE void set_inverted(bool i) { invert = i; } FORCE_INLINE AxisEnum get_axis() { return encoderAxis; } FORCE_INLINE bool get_ec_enabled() { return ec; } FORCE_INLINE void set_ec_enabled(bool enabled) { ec = enabled; } FORCE_INLINE uint8_t get_ec_method() { return ecMethod; } FORCE_INLINE void set_ec_method(byte method) { ecMethod = method; } FORCE_INLINE float get_ec_threshold() { return ecThreshold; } FORCE_INLINE void set_ec_threshold(float newThreshold) { ecThreshold = newThreshold; } FORCE_INLINE int get_encoder_ticks_mm() { if (type == I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_LINEAR) return encoderTicksPerUnit; else if (type == I2CPE_ENC_TYPE_ROTARY) return (int)((encoderTicksPerUnit / stepperTicks) * planner.axis_steps_per_mm[encoderAxis]); return 0; } FORCE_INLINE int get_ticks_unit() { return encoderTicksPerUnit; } FORCE_INLINE void set_ticks_unit(int ticks) { encoderTicksPerUnit = ticks; } FORCE_INLINE uint8_t get_type() { return type; } FORCE_INLINE void set_type(byte newType) { type = newType; } FORCE_INLINE int get_stepper_ticks() { return stepperTicks; } FORCE_INLINE void set_stepper_ticks(int ticks) { stepperTicks = ticks; } FORCE_INLINE float get_axis_offset() { return axisOffset; } FORCE_INLINE void set_axis_offset(float newOffset) { axisOffset = newOffset; axisOffsetTicks = (long)(axisOffset * get_encoder_ticks_mm()); } FORCE_INLINE void set_current_position(float newPositionMm) { set_axis_offset(get_position_mm() - newPositionMm + axisOffset); } }; class I2CPositionEncodersMgr { private: bool I2CPE_anyaxis; uint8_t I2CPE_addr; int8_t I2CPE_idx; public: void init(void); // consider only updating one endoder per call / tick if encoders become too time intensive void update(void) { LOOP_PE(i) encoders[i].update(); } void homed(AxisEnum axis) { LOOP_PE(i) if (encoders[i].get_axis() == axis) encoders[i].set_homed(); } void report_position(uint8_t idx, bool units, bool noOffset); void report_status(uint8_t idx) { CHECK_IDX SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("Encoder ",idx); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(": "); encoders[idx].get_raw_count(); encoders[idx].passes_test(true); } void report_error(uint8_t idx) { CHECK_IDX encoders[idx].get_axis_error_steps(true); } void test_axis(uint8_t idx) { CHECK_IDX encoders[idx].test_axis(); } void calibrate_steps_mm(uint8_t idx, int iterations) { CHECK_IDX encoders[idx].calibrate_steps_mm(iterations); } void change_module_address(uint8_t oldaddr, uint8_t newaddr); void report_module_firmware(uint8_t address); void report_error_count(uint8_t idx, AxisEnum axis) { CHECK_IDX SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("Error count on ", axis_codes[axis]); SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR(" axis is ", encoders[idx].get_error_count()); } void reset_error_count(uint8_t idx, AxisEnum axis) { CHECK_IDX encoders[idx].set_error_count(0); SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("Error count on ", axis_codes[axis]); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(" axis has been reset."); } void enable_ec(uint8_t idx, bool enabled, AxisEnum axis) { CHECK_IDX encoders[idx].set_ec_enabled(enabled); SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("Error correction on ", axis_codes[axis]); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" axis is "); serialprintPGM(encoders[idx].get_ec_enabled() ? PSTR("en") : PSTR("dis")); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("abled."); } void set_ec_threshold(uint8_t idx, float newThreshold, AxisEnum axis) { CHECK_IDX encoders[idx].set_ec_threshold(newThreshold); SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("Error correct threshold for ", axis_codes[axis]); SERIAL_ECHOPAIR_F(" axis set to ", newThreshold); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("mm."); } void get_ec_threshold(uint8_t idx, AxisEnum axis) { CHECK_IDX float threshold = encoders[idx].get_ec_threshold(); SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("Error correct threshold for ", axis_codes[axis]); SERIAL_ECHOPAIR_F(" axis is ", threshold); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("mm."); } int8_t idx_from_axis(AxisEnum axis) { LOOP_PE(i) if (encoders[i].get_axis() == axis) return i; return -1; } int8_t idx_from_addr(uint8_t addr) { LOOP_PE(i) if (encoders[i].get_address() == addr) return i; return -1; } int8_t parse(); void M860(); void M861(); void M862(); void M863(); void M864(); void M865(); void M866(); void M867(); void M868(); void M869(); I2CPositionEncoder encoders[I2CPE_ENCODER_CNT]; }; extern I2CPositionEncodersMgr I2CPEM; FORCE_INLINE void gcode_M860() { I2CPEM.M860(); } FORCE_INLINE void gcode_M861() { I2CPEM.M861(); } FORCE_INLINE void gcode_M862() { I2CPEM.M862(); } FORCE_INLINE void gcode_M863() { I2CPEM.M863(); } FORCE_INLINE void gcode_M864() { I2CPEM.M864(); } FORCE_INLINE void gcode_M865() { I2CPEM.M865(); } FORCE_INLINE void gcode_M866() { I2CPEM.M866(); } FORCE_INLINE void gcode_M867() { I2CPEM.M867(); } FORCE_INLINE void gcode_M868() { I2CPEM.M868(); } FORCE_INLINE void gcode_M869() { I2CPEM.M869(); } #endif //I2C_POSITION_ENCODERS #endif //I2CPOSENC_H