/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #pragma once #include #include #include // the colors of the last MKS Ui #undef LV_COLOR_BACKGROUND #define LV_COLOR_BACKGROUND LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A) #define TFT_LV_PARA_BACK_BODY_COLOR LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x4A, 0x52, 0xFF) #include "tft_lvgl_configuration.h" #include "tft_multi_language.h" #include "pic_manager.h" #include "draw_ready_print.h" #include "draw_language.h" #include "draw_set.h" #include "draw_tool.h" #include "draw_print_file.h" #include "draw_dialog.h" #include "draw_printing.h" #include "draw_operation.h" #include "draw_preHeat.h" #include "draw_extrusion.h" #include "draw_home.h" #include "draw_gcode.h" #include "draw_more.h" #include "draw_move_motor.h" #include "draw_fan.h" #include "draw_about.h" #include "draw_change_speed.h" #include "draw_manuaLevel.h" #include "draw_error_message.h" #include "printer_operation.h" #include "draw_machine_para.h" #include "draw_machine_settings.h" #include "draw_motor_settings.h" #include "draw_advance_settings.h" #include "draw_acceleration_settings.h" #include "draw_number_key.h" #include "draw_jerk_settings.h" #include "draw_pause_position.h" #include "draw_step_settings.h" #include "draw_tmc_current_settings.h" #include "draw_eeprom_settings.h" #include "draw_max_feedrate_settings.h" #include "draw_tmc_step_mode_settings.h" #include "draw_level_settings.h" #include "draw_tramming_pos_settings.h" #include "draw_auto_level_offset_settings.h" #include "draw_filament_change.h" #include "draw_filament_settings.h" #include "draw_homing_sensitivity_settings.h" #include "draw_baby_stepping.h" #include "draw_keyboard.h" #include "draw_media_select.h" #include "draw_encoder_settings.h" #include "../../../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h" #if ENABLED(MKS_WIFI_MODULE) #include "wifiSerial.h" #include "wifi_module.h" #include "wifi_upload.h" #include "draw_wifi_settings.h" #include "draw_wifi.h" #include "draw_wifi_list.h" #include "draw_wifi_tips.h" #include "draw_cloud_bind.h" #endif #define ESP_WIFI 0x02 #define AP_MODEL 0x01 #define STA_MODEL 0x02 #define FILE_SYS_USB 0 #define FILE_SYS_SD 1 #define TICK_CYCLE 1 #define PARA_SEL_ICON_TEXT_COLOR LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x4A, 0x52, 0xFF); #define TFT35 #ifdef TFT35 #define TFT_WIDTH 480 #define TFT_HEIGHT 320 #define titleHeight 36 // TFT_screen.title_high #define INTERVAL_H 2 // TFT_screen.gap_h // 2 #define INTERVAL_V 2 // TFT_screen.gap_v // 2 #define BTN_X_PIXEL 117 // TFT_screen.btn_x_pixel #define BTN_Y_PIXEL 140 // TFT_screen.btn_y_pixel #define SIMPLE_FIRST_PAGE_GRAP 30 #define BUTTON_TEXT_Y_OFFSET -20 #define TITLE_XPOS 3 // TFT_screen.title_xpos #define TITLE_YPOS 5 // TFT_screen.title_ypos #define FILE_BTN_CNT 6 #define OTHER_BTN_XPIEL 117 #define OTHER_BTN_YPIEL 92 #define FILE_PRE_PIC_X_OFFSET 8 #define FILE_PRE_PIC_Y_OFFSET 0 #define PREVIEW_LITTLE_PIC_SIZE 40910 // 400*100+9*101+1 #define PREVIEW_SIZE 202720 // (PREVIEW_LITTLE_PIC_SIZE+800*200+201*9+1) // machine parameter ui #define PARA_UI_POS_X 10 #define PARA_UI_POS_Y 50 #define PARA_UI_SIZE_X 450 #define PARA_UI_SIZE_Y 40 #define PARA_UI_ARROW_V 12 #define PARA_UI_BACL_POS_X 400 #define PARA_UI_BACL_POS_Y 270 #define PARA_UI_TURN_PAGE_POS_X 320 #define PARA_UI_TURN_PAGE_POS_Y 270 #define PARA_UI_VALUE_SIZE_X 370 #define PARA_UI_VALUE_POS_X 400 #define PARA_UI_VALUE_V 5 #define PARA_UI_STATE_POS_X 380 #define PARA_UI_STATE_V 2 #define PARA_UI_VALUE_SIZE_X_2 200 #define PARA_UI_VALUE_POS_X_2 320 #define PARA_UI_VALUE_V_2 5 #define PARA_UI_VALUE_BTN_X_SIZE 70 #define PARA_UI_VALUE_BTN_Y_SIZE 28 #define PARA_UI_BACK_BTN_X_SIZE 70 #define PARA_UI_BACK_BTN_Y_SIZE 40 #define QRCODE_X 20 #define QRCODE_Y 40 #define QRCODE_WIDTH 160 #else // ifdef TFT35 #define TFT_WIDTH 320 #define TFT_HEIGHT 240 #endif // ifdef TFT35 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { /* C-declarations for C++ */ #endif extern char public_buf_m[100]; extern char public_buf_l[30]; typedef struct { uint32_t spi_flash_flag; uint8_t disp_rotation_180; bool multiple_language; uint8_t language; uint8_t leveling_mode; bool from_flash_pic; bool finish_power_off; bool pause_reprint; uint8_t wifi_mode_sel; uint8_t fileSysType; uint8_t wifi_type; bool cloud_enable, encoder_enable; xy_int_t trammingPos[5]; int filamentchange_load_length, filamentchange_load_speed, filamentchange_unload_length, filamentchange_unload_speed; celsius_t filament_limit_temp; float pausePosX, pausePosY, pausePosZ; uint32_t curFilesize; } CFG_ITMES; typedef struct UI_Config_Struct { uint8_t curTempType:1, extruderIndex:3, stepHeat:4, extruderIndexBak:4; bool leveling_first_time:1, para_ui_page:1, configWifi:1, command_send:1, filament_load_heat_flg:1, filament_heat_completed_load:1, filament_unload_heat_flg:1, filament_heat_completed_unload:1, filament_loading_completed:1, filament_unloading_completed:1, filament_loading_time_flg:1, filament_unloading_time_flg:1; uint8_t wifi_name[32]; uint8_t wifi_key[64]; uint8_t cloud_hostUrl[96]; // Extruder Steps distances (mm) uint8_t extruStep; static constexpr uint8_t eStepMin = 1, eStepMed = 5, eStepMax = 10; // Extruder speed (mm/s) uint8_t extruSpeed; static constexpr uint8_t eSpeedH = 1, eSpeedN = 10, eSpeedL = 20; uint8_t print_state; uint8_t stepPrintSpeed; uint8_t waitEndMoves; uint8_t dialogType; uint8_t F[4]; uint8_t filament_rate; uint16_t moveSpeed; uint16_t cloud_port; uint16_t moveSpeed_bak; uint32_t totalSend; uint32_t filament_loading_time, filament_unloading_time, filament_loading_time_cnt, filament_unloading_time_cnt; float move_dist; celsius_t hotendTargetTempBak; float current_x_position_bak, current_y_position_bak, current_z_position_bak, current_e_position_bak; } UI_CFG; typedef enum { MAIN_UI, PRINT_READY_UI, PRINT_FILE_UI, PRINTING_UI, MOVE_MOTOR_UI, OPERATE_UI, PAUSE_UI, EXTRUSION_UI, FAN_UI, PRE_HEAT_UI, CHANGE_SPEED_UI, TEMP_UI, SET_UI, ZERO_UI, SPRAYER_UI, MACHINE_UI, LANGUAGE_UI, ABOUT_UI, LOG_UI, DISK_UI, CALIBRATE_UI, DIALOG_UI, WIFI_UI, MORE_UI, FILETRANSFER_UI, FILETRANSFERSTATE_UI, PRINT_MORE_UI, FILAMENTCHANGE_UI, LEVELING_UI, MESHLEVELING_UI, BIND_UI, #if HAS_BED_PROBE NOZZLE_PROBE_OFFSET_UI, #endif TOOL_UI, HARDWARE_TEST_UI, WIFI_LIST_UI, KEYBOARD_UI, WIFI_TIPS_UI, MACHINE_PARA_UI, MACHINE_SETTINGS_UI, TEMPERATURE_SETTINGS_UI, MOTOR_SETTINGS_UI, MACHINETYPE_UI, STROKE_UI, HOME_DIR_UI, ENDSTOP_TYPE_UI, FILAMENT_SETTINGS_UI, LEVELING_SETTIGNS_UI, LEVELING_PARA_UI, DELTA_LEVELING_PARA_UI, MANUAL_LEVELING_POSIGION_UI, MAXFEEDRATE_UI, STEPS_UI, ACCELERATION_UI, JERK_UI, MOTORDIR_UI, HOMESPEED_UI, NOZZLE_CONFIG_UI, HOTBED_CONFIG_UI, ADVANCED_UI, DOUBLE_Z_UI, ENABLE_INVERT_UI, NUMBER_KEY_UI, BABY_STEP_UI, ERROR_MESSAGE_UI, PAUSE_POS_UI, TMC_CURRENT_UI, TMC_MODE_UI, EEPROM_SETTINGS_UI, WIFI_SETTINGS_UI, HOMING_SENSITIVITY_UI, ENCODER_SETTINGS_UI, TOUCH_CALIBRATION_UI, GCODE_UI, MEDIA_SELECT_UI, } DISP_STATE; typedef struct { DISP_STATE _disp_state[100]; int _disp_index; } DISP_STATE_STACK; typedef struct { int16_t days; uint16_t hours; uint8_t minutes; volatile int8_t seconds; int8_t ms_10; int8_t start; } PRINT_TIME; extern PRINT_TIME print_time; typedef enum { PrintAcceleration, RetractAcceleration, TravelAcceleration, XAcceleration, YAcceleration, ZAcceleration, E0Acceleration, E1Acceleration, XMaxFeedRate, YMaxFeedRate, ZMaxFeedRate, E0MaxFeedRate, E1MaxFeedRate, XJerk, YJerk, ZJerk, EJerk, Xstep, Ystep, Zstep, E0step, E1step, Xcurrent, Ycurrent, Zcurrent, E0current, E1current, pause_pos_x, pause_pos_y, pause_pos_z, level_pos_x1, level_pos_y1, level_pos_x2, level_pos_y2, level_pos_x3, level_pos_y3, level_pos_x4, level_pos_y4, level_pos_x5, level_pos_y5, #if HAS_BED_PROBE x_offset, y_offset, z_offset, #endif load_length, load_speed, unload_length, unload_speed, filament_temp, x_sensitivity, y_sensitivity, z_sensitivity, z2_sensitivity } num_key_value_state; extern num_key_value_state value; typedef enum { wifiName, wifiPassWord, wifiConfig, autoLevelGcodeCommand, GCodeCommand, } keyboard_value_state; extern keyboard_value_state keyboard_value; extern CFG_ITMES gCfgItems; extern UI_CFG uiCfg; extern DISP_STATE disp_state; extern DISP_STATE last_disp_state; extern DISP_STATE_STACK disp_state_stack; extern lv_style_t tft_style_scr; extern lv_style_t tft_style_label_pre; extern lv_style_t tft_style_label_rel; extern lv_style_t style_line; extern lv_style_t style_para_value_pre; extern lv_style_t style_para_value_rel; extern lv_style_t style_num_key_pre; extern lv_style_t style_num_key_rel; extern lv_style_t style_num_text; extern lv_style_t style_sel_text; extern lv_style_t style_para_value; extern lv_style_t style_para_back; extern lv_style_t lv_bar_style_indic; extern lv_style_t style_btn_pr; extern lv_style_t style_btn_rel; extern lv_point_t line_points[4][2]; void gCfgItems_init(); void ui_cfg_init(); void tft_style_init(); extern char *creat_title_text(); void preview_gcode_prehandle(char *path); void update_spi_flash(); void update_gcode_command(int addr,uint8_t *s); void get_gcode_command(int addr,uint8_t *d); void lv_serial_capt_hook(void *, uint8_t); void lv_eom_hook(void *); #if HAS_GCODE_PREVIEW void disp_pre_gcode(int xpos_pixel, int ypos_pixel); #endif void GUI_RefreshPage(); void clear_cur_ui(); void draw_return_ui(); void sd_detection(); void gCfg_to_spiFlah(); void print_time_count(); void LV_TASK_HANDLER(); void lv_ex_line(lv_obj_t *line, lv_point_t *points); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* C-declarations for C++ */ #endif // Set the same image for both Released and Pressed void lv_imgbtn_set_src_both(lv_obj_t *imgbtn, const void *src); // Set label styles for Released and Pressed void lv_imgbtn_use_label_style(lv_obj_t *imgbtn); // Set label styles for Released and Pressed void lv_btn_use_label_style(lv_obj_t *btn); // Set the same style for both Released and Pressed void lv_btn_set_style_both(lv_obj_t *btn, lv_style_t *style); // Create a screen lv_obj_t* lv_screen_create(DISP_STATE newScreenType, const char *title = nullptr); // Create an empty label lv_obj_t* lv_label_create_empty(lv_obj_t *par); // Create a label with style and text lv_obj_t* lv_label_create(lv_obj_t *par, const char *text); // Create a label with style, position, and text lv_obj_t* lv_label_create(lv_obj_t *par, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, const char *text); // Create a button with callback, ID, and Style. lv_obj_t* lv_btn_create(lv_obj_t *par, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id, lv_style_t *style=&style_para_value); // Create a button with callback and ID, with label style. lv_obj_t* lv_label_btn_create(lv_obj_t *par, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id=0); // Create a button with callback and ID, with button style. lv_obj_t* lv_button_btn_create(lv_obj_t *par, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id=0); // Create a button with position, size, callback, ID, and style. lv_obj_t* lv_btn_create(lv_obj_t *par, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_coord_t w, lv_coord_t h, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id, lv_style_t *style); // Create a button with position, size, callback, and ID. Style set to style_para_value. lv_obj_t* lv_btn_create(lv_obj_t *par, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_coord_t w, lv_coord_t h, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id=0); // Create a button with position, size, callback, and ID, with label style. lv_obj_t* lv_label_btn_create(lv_obj_t *par, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_coord_t w, lv_coord_t h, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id=0); // Create a button with position, size, callback, and ID, with button style. lv_obj_t* lv_button_btn_create(lv_obj_t *par, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_coord_t w, lv_coord_t h, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id=0); // Create a button with callback and ID. Style set to style_para_back. lv_obj_t* lv_btn_create_back(lv_obj_t *par, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id=0); // Create a button with position, size, callback, and ID. Style set to style_para_back. lv_obj_t* lv_btn_create_back(lv_obj_t *par, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_coord_t w, lv_coord_t h, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id=0); // Create an image button with image, callback, and ID. Use label style. lv_obj_t* lv_imgbtn_create(lv_obj_t *par, const char *img, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id=0); // Create an image button with image, position, callback, and ID. Use label style. lv_obj_t* lv_imgbtn_create(lv_obj_t *par, const char *img, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id=0); // Create a big image button with a label, follow the LVGL UI standard. lv_obj_t* lv_big_button_create(lv_obj_t *par, const char *img, const char *text, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id, bool centerLabel = false); // Create a menu item, follow the LVGL UI standard. lv_obj_t* lv_screen_menu_item(lv_obj_t *par, const char *text, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id, const int index, bool drawArrow = true); lv_obj_t* lv_screen_menu_item_1_edit(lv_obj_t *par, const char *text, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id, const int index, const char *editValue); lv_obj_t* lv_screen_menu_item_2_edit(lv_obj_t *par, const char *text, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id, const int index, const char *editValue, const int idEdit2, const char *editValue2); lv_obj_t* lv_screen_menu_item_onoff(lv_obj_t *par, const char *text, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_event_cb_t cb, const int id, const int index, const bool curValue); void lv_screen_menu_item_onoff_update(lv_obj_t *btn, const bool curValue); #define _DIA_1(T) (uiCfg.dialogType == DIALOG_##T) #define DIALOG_IS(V...) DO(DIA,||,V)