/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "../../../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h" #if HAS_TFT_LVGL_UI #include "draw_ui.h" #include #include "../../../MarlinCore.h" // for marlin_state #include "../../../module/temperature.h" #include "../../../module/motion.h" #include "../../../sd/cardreader.h" #include "../../../gcode/queue.h" #include "../../../gcode/gcode.h" #include "../../../inc/MarlinConfig.h" #if ENABLED(POWER_LOSS_RECOVERY) #include "../../../feature/powerloss.h" #endif #if BOTH(LCD_SET_PROGRESS_MANUALLY, USE_M73_REMAINING_TIME) #include "../../marlinui.h" #endif extern lv_group_t *g; static lv_obj_t *scr; static lv_obj_t *labelExt1, *labelFan, *labelZpos, *labelTime; static lv_obj_t *labelPause, *labelStop, *labelOperat; static lv_obj_t *bar1, *bar1ValueText; static lv_obj_t *buttonPause, *buttonOperat, *buttonStop, *buttonExt1, *buttonFanstate, *buttonZpos; #if HAS_MULTI_EXTRUDER static lv_obj_t *labelExt2; static lv_obj_t *buttonExt2; #endif #if HAS_HEATED_BED static lv_obj_t* labelBed; static lv_obj_t* buttonBedstate; #endif enum { ID_PAUSE = 1, ID_STOP, ID_OPTION, ID_TEMP_EXT, ID_TEMP_BED, ID_BABYSTEP, ID_FAN }; bool once_flag; // = false extern bool flash_preview_begin, default_preview_flg, gcode_preview_over; extern uint32_t To_pre_view; static void event_handler(lv_obj_t *obj, lv_event_t event) { if (event != LV_EVENT_RELEASED) return; if (gcode_preview_over) return; switch (obj->mks_obj_id) { case ID_PAUSE: if (uiCfg.print_state == WORKING) { #if ENABLED(SDSUPPORT) card.pauseSDPrint(); stop_print_time(); uiCfg.print_state = PAUSING; #endif lv_imgbtn_set_src_both(buttonPause, "F:/bmp_resume.bin"); lv_label_set_text(labelPause, printing_menu.resume); lv_obj_align(labelPause, buttonPause, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 30, 0); } else if (uiCfg.print_state == PAUSED) { uiCfg.print_state = RESUMING; lv_imgbtn_set_src_both(obj, "F:/bmp_pause.bin"); lv_label_set_text(labelPause, printing_menu.pause); lv_obj_align(labelPause, buttonPause, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 30, 0); } #if ENABLED(POWER_LOSS_RECOVERY) else if (uiCfg.print_state == REPRINTING) { uiCfg.print_state = REPRINTED; lv_imgbtn_set_src_both(obj, "F:/bmp_pause.bin"); lv_label_set_text(labelPause, printing_menu.pause); lv_obj_align(labelPause, buttonPause, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 30, 0); print_time.minutes = recovery.info.print_job_elapsed / 60; print_time.seconds = recovery.info.print_job_elapsed % 60; print_time.hours = print_time.minutes / 60; } #endif break; case ID_STOP: lv_clear_printing(); lv_draw_dialog(DIALOG_TYPE_STOP); break; case ID_OPTION: lv_clear_printing(); lv_draw_operation(); break; case ID_TEMP_EXT: uiCfg.curTempType = 0; lv_clear_printing(); lv_draw_preHeat(); break; case ID_TEMP_BED: uiCfg.curTempType = 1; lv_clear_printing(); lv_draw_preHeat(); break; case ID_BABYSTEP: lv_clear_printing(); lv_draw_baby_stepping(); break; case ID_FAN: lv_clear_printing(); lv_draw_fan(); break; } } void lv_draw_printing() { disp_state_stack._disp_index = 0; ZERO(disp_state_stack._disp_state); scr = lv_screen_create(PRINTING_UI); // Create image buttons buttonExt1 = lv_imgbtn_create(scr, "F:/bmp_ext1_state.bin", 206, 136, event_handler, ID_TEMP_EXT); #if HAS_MULTI_EXTRUDER buttonExt2 = lv_imgbtn_create(scr, "F:/bmp_ext2_state.bin", 350, 136, event_handler, ID_TEMP_EXT); #endif #if HAS_HEATED_BED buttonBedstate = lv_imgbtn_create(scr, "F:/bmp_bed_state.bin", 206, 186, event_handler, ID_TEMP_BED); #endif buttonFanstate = lv_imgbtn_create(scr, "F:/bmp_fan_state.bin", 350, 186, event_handler, ID_FAN); lv_obj_t *buttonTime = lv_img_create(scr, nullptr); lv_img_set_src(buttonTime, "F:/bmp_time_state.bin"); lv_obj_set_pos(buttonTime, 206, 86); buttonZpos = lv_imgbtn_create(scr, "F:/bmp_zpos_state.bin", 350, 86, event_handler, ID_BABYSTEP); buttonPause = lv_imgbtn_create(scr, uiCfg.print_state == WORKING ? "F:/bmp_pause.bin" : "F:/bmp_resume.bin", 5, 240, event_handler, ID_PAUSE); buttonStop = lv_imgbtn_create(scr, "F:/bmp_stop.bin", 165, 240, event_handler, ID_STOP); buttonOperat = lv_imgbtn_create(scr, "F:/bmp_operate.bin", 325, 240, event_handler, ID_OPTION); #if HAS_ROTARY_ENCODER if (gCfgItems.encoder_enable) { lv_group_add_obj(g, buttonPause); lv_group_add_obj(g, buttonStop); lv_group_add_obj(g, buttonOperat); lv_group_add_obj(g, buttonPause); lv_group_add_obj(g, buttonPause); lv_group_add_obj(g, buttonPause); } #endif labelExt1 = lv_label_create(scr, 250, 146, nullptr); #if HAS_MULTI_EXTRUDER labelExt2 = lv_label_create(scr, 395, 146, nullptr); #endif #if HAS_HEATED_BED labelBed = lv_label_create(scr, 250, 196, nullptr); #endif labelFan = lv_label_create(scr, 395, 196, nullptr); labelTime = lv_label_create(scr, 250, 96, nullptr); labelZpos = lv_label_create(scr, 395, 96, nullptr); labelPause = lv_label_create_empty(buttonPause); labelStop = lv_label_create_empty(buttonStop); labelOperat = lv_label_create_empty(buttonOperat); if (gCfgItems.multiple_language) { lv_label_set_text(labelPause, uiCfg.print_state == WORKING ? printing_menu.pause : printing_menu.resume); lv_obj_align(labelPause, buttonPause, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 20, 0); lv_label_set_text(labelStop, printing_menu.stop); lv_obj_align(labelStop, buttonStop, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 20, 0); lv_label_set_text(labelOperat, printing_menu.option); lv_obj_align(labelOperat, buttonOperat, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 20, 0); } bar1 = lv_bar_create(scr, nullptr); lv_obj_set_pos(bar1, 205, 36); lv_obj_set_size(bar1, 270, 40); lv_bar_set_style(bar1, LV_BAR_STYLE_INDIC, &lv_bar_style_indic); lv_bar_set_anim_time(bar1, 1000); lv_bar_set_value(bar1, 0, LV_ANIM_ON); bar1ValueText = lv_label_create_empty(bar1); lv_label_set_text(bar1ValueText, "0%"); lv_obj_align(bar1ValueText, bar1, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); disp_ext_temp(); disp_bed_temp(); disp_fan_speed(); disp_print_time(); disp_fan_Zpos(); } void disp_ext_temp() { sprintf(public_buf_l, printing_menu.temp1, thermalManager.wholeDegHotend(0), thermalManager.degTargetHotend(0)); lv_label_set_text(labelExt1, public_buf_l); #if HAS_MULTI_EXTRUDER sprintf(public_buf_l, printing_menu.temp1, thermalManager.wholeDegHotend(1), thermalManager.degTargetHotend(1)); lv_label_set_text(labelExt2, public_buf_l); #endif } void disp_bed_temp() { #if HAS_HEATED_BED sprintf(public_buf_l, printing_menu.bed_temp, thermalManager.wholeDegBed(), thermalManager.degTargetBed()); lv_label_set_text(labelBed, public_buf_l); #endif } void disp_fan_speed() { sprintf_P(public_buf_l, PSTR("%d%%"), (int)thermalManager.fanSpeedPercent(0)); lv_label_set_text(labelFan, public_buf_l); } void disp_print_time() { #if BOTH(LCD_SET_PROGRESS_MANUALLY, USE_M73_REMAINING_TIME) const uint32_t r = ui.get_remaining_time(); sprintf_P(public_buf_l, PSTR("%02d:%02d R"), r / 3600, (r % 3600) / 60); #else sprintf_P(public_buf_l, PSTR("%d%d:%d%d:%d%d"), print_time.hours / 10, print_time.hours % 10, print_time.minutes / 10, print_time.minutes % 10, print_time.seconds / 10, print_time.seconds % 10); #endif lv_label_set_text(labelTime, public_buf_l); } void disp_fan_Zpos() { dtostrf(current_position.z, 1, 3, public_buf_l); lv_label_set_text(labelZpos, public_buf_l); } void reset_print_time() { print_time.hours = 0; print_time.minutes = 0; print_time.seconds = 0; print_time.ms_10 = 0; } void start_print_time() { print_time.start = 1; } void stop_print_time() { print_time.start = 0; } void setProBarRate() { int rate; volatile long long rate_tmp_r; if (!gCfgItems.from_flash_pic) { #if ENABLED(SDSUPPORT) rate_tmp_r = (long long)card.getIndex() * 100; #endif rate = rate_tmp_r / gCfgItems.curFilesize; } else { #if ENABLED(SDSUPPORT) rate_tmp_r = (long long)card.getIndex(); #endif rate = (rate_tmp_r - (PREVIEW_SIZE + To_pre_view)) * 100 / (gCfgItems.curFilesize - (PREVIEW_SIZE + To_pre_view)); } if (rate <= 0) return; if (disp_state == PRINTING_UI) { lv_bar_set_value(bar1, rate, LV_ANIM_ON); sprintf_P(public_buf_l, "%d%%", rate); lv_label_set_text(bar1ValueText, public_buf_l); lv_obj_align(bar1ValueText, bar1, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); if (marlin_state == MF_SD_COMPLETE) { if (once_flag == 0) { stop_print_time(); flash_preview_begin = false; default_preview_flg = false; lv_clear_printing(); lv_draw_dialog(DIALOG_TYPE_FINISH_PRINT); once_flag = true; #if HAS_SUICIDE if (gCfgItems.finish_power_off) { gcode.process_subcommands_now_P(PSTR("M1001")); queue.inject_P(PSTR("M81")); marlin_state = MF_RUNNING; } #endif } } } } void lv_clear_printing() { #if HAS_ROTARY_ENCODER if (gCfgItems.encoder_enable) lv_group_remove_all_objs(g); #endif lv_obj_del(scr); } #endif // HAS_TFT_LVGL_UI