####################################### # # Marlin 3D Printer Firmware # Copyright (C) 2018 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] # # Based on Sprinter and grbl. # Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ####################################### ####################################### # # Description: script to automate PlatformIO builds # CLI: python auto_build.py build_option # build_option (required) # build executes -> platformio run -e target_env # clean executes -> platformio run --target clean -e target_env # upload executes -> platformio run --target upload -e target_env # traceback executes -> platformio run --target upload -e target_env # program executes -> platformio run --target program -e target_env # test executes -> platformio test upload -e target_env # remote executes -> platformio remote run --target upload -e target_env # debug executes -> platformio debug -e target_env # # 'traceback' just uses the debug variant of the target environment if one exists # ####################################### ####################################### # # General program flow # # 1. Scans Configuration.h for the motherboard name and Marlin version. # 2. Scans pins.h for the motherboard. # returns the CPU(s) and platformio environment(s) used by the motherboard # 3. If further info is needed then a popup gets it from the user. # 4. The OUTPUT_WINDOW class creates a window to display the output of the PlatformIO program. # 5. A thread is created by the OUTPUT_WINDOW class in order to execute the RUN_PIO function. # 6. The RUN_PIO function uses a subprocess to run the CLI version of PlatformIO. # 7. The "iter(pio_subprocess.stdout.readline, '')" function is used to stream the output of # PlatformIO back to the RUN_PIO function. # 8. Each line returned from PlatformIO is formatted to match the color coding seen in the # PlatformIO GUI. # 9. If there is a color change within a line then the line is broken at each color change # and sent separately. # 10. Each formatted segment (could be a full line or a split line) is put into the queue # IO_queue as it arrives from the platformio subprocess. # 11. The OUTPUT_WINDOW class periodically samples IO_queue. If data is available then it # is written to the window. # 12. The window stays open until the user closes it. # 13. The OUTPUT_WINDOW class continues to execute as long as the window is open. This allows # copying, saving, scrolling of the window. A right click popup is available. # ####################################### import sys import os num_args = len(sys.argv) if num_args > 1: build_type = str(sys.argv[1]) else: print 'Please specify build type' exit() print'build_type: ', build_type print '\nWorking\n' python_ver = sys.version_info[0] # major version - 2 or 3 if python_ver == 2: print "python version " + str(sys.version_info[0]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[1]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[2]) else: print "python version " + str(sys.version_info[0]) print "This script only runs under python 2" exit() ######### # Python 2 error messages: # Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories ... # error "invalid command name "tcl_findLibrary"" # # Fix for the above errors on my Win10 system: # search all init.tcl files for the line "package require -exact Tcl" that has the highest 8.5.x number # copy it into the first directory listed in the error messages # set the environmental variables TCLLIBPATH and TCL_LIBRARY to the directory where you found the init.tcl file # reboot ######### #globals target_env = '' board_name = '' ########################################################################################## # # popup to get input from user # ########################################################################################## def get_answer(board_name, cpu_label_txt, cpu_a_txt, cpu_b_txt): if python_ver == 2: import Tkinter as tk else: import tkinter as tk def CPU_exit_3(): # forward declare functions CPU_exit_3_() def CPU_exit_4(): CPU_exit_4_() def kill_session(): kill_session_() root_get_answer = tk.Tk() root_get_answer.chk_state_1 = 1 # declare variables used by TK and enable chk_state_1 = 0 # set initial state of check boxes global get_answer_val get_answer_val = 2 # return get_answer_val, set default to match chk_state_1 default l1 = tk.Label(text=board_name, fg = "light green", bg = "dark green", font = "Helvetica 12 bold").grid(row=1) l2 = tk.Label(text=cpu_label_txt, fg = "light green", bg = "dark green", font = "Helvetica 16 bold italic").grid(row=2) b4 = tk.Checkbutton(text=cpu_a_txt, fg = "black", font = "Times 20 bold ", variable=chk_state_1, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command = CPU_exit_3).grid(row=3) b5 = tk.Checkbutton(text=cpu_b_txt, fg = "black", font = "Times 20 bold ", variable=chk_state_1, onvalue=0, offvalue=1, command = CPU_exit_4).grid(row=4) # use same variable but inverted so they will track b6 = tk.Button(text="CONFIRM", fg = "blue", font = "Times 20 bold ", command = root_get_answer.destroy).grid(row=5, pady=4) b7 = tk.Button(text="CANCEL", fg = "red", font = "Times 12 bold ", command = kill_session).grid(row=6, pady=4) def CPU_exit_3_(): global get_answer_val get_answer_val = 1 def CPU_exit_4_(): global get_answer_val get_answer_val = 2 def kill_session_(): raise SystemExit(0) # kill everything root_get_answer.mainloop() # end - get answer def env_name_check(argument): name_check = { 'teensy35' : True, 'teensy20' : True, 'STM32F4' : True, 'STM32F1' : True, 'sanguino_atmega644p' : True, 'sanguino_atmega1284p' : True, 'rambo' : True, 'melzi_optiboot' : True, 'melzi' : True, 'megaatmega2560' : True, 'megaatmega1280' : True, 'malyanm200' : True, 'LPC1768' : True, 'DUE_debug' : True, 'DUE_USB' : True, 'DUE' : True } return name_check.get(argument, False) # gets the last build environment def get_build_last(): env_last = '' DIR_PWD = os.listdir('.') if '.pioenvs' in DIR_PWD: date_last = 0.0 DIR__pioenvs = os.listdir('.pioenvs') for name in DIR__pioenvs: if env_name_check(name): DIR_temp = os.listdir('.pioenvs/' + name) for names_temp in DIR_temp: if 0 == names_temp.find('firmware.'): date_temp = os.path.getmtime('.pioenvs/' + name + '/' + names_temp) if date_temp > date_last: date_last = date_temp env_last = name return env_last # gets the board being built from the Configuration.h file # returns: board name, major version of Marlin being used (1 or 2) def get_board_name(): board_name = '' # get board name with open('Marlin/Configuration.h', 'r') as myfile: Configuration_h = myfile.read() Configuration_h = Configuration_h.split('\n') Marlin_ver = 0 # set version to invalid number for lines in Configuration_h: if 0 == lines.find('#define CONFIGURATION_H_VERSION 01'): Marlin_ver = 1 if 0 == lines.find('#define CONFIGURATION_H_VERSION 02'): Marlin_ver = 2 board = lines.find(' BOARD_') + 1 motherboard = lines.find(' MOTHERBOARD ') + 1 define = lines.find('#define ') comment = lines.find('//') if (comment == -1 or comment > board) and \ board > motherboard and \ motherboard > define and \ define >= 0 : spaces = lines.find(' ', board) # find the end of the board substring if spaces == -1: board_name = lines[board : ] else: board_name = lines[board : spaces] break return board_name, Marlin_ver # extract first environment name it finds after the start position # returns: environment name and position to start the next search from def get_env_from_line(line, start_position): env = '' next_position = -1 env_position = line.find('env:', start_position) if 0 < env_position: next_position = line.find(' ', env_position + 4) if 0 < next_position: env = line[env_position + 4 : next_position] else: env = line[env_position + 4 : ] # at the end of the line return env, next_position #scans pins.h for board name and returns the environment(s) it finds def get_starting_env(board_name_full, version): # get environment starting point if version == 1: path = 'Marlin/pins.h' if version == 2: path = 'Marlin/src/pins/pins.h' with open(path, 'r') as myfile: pins_h = myfile.read() board_name = board_name_full[ 6 : ] # only use the part after "BOARD_" since we're searching the pins.h file pins_h = pins_h.split('\n') environment = '' board_line = '' cpu_A = '' cpu_B = '' i = 0 list_start_found = False for lines in pins_h: i = i + 1 # i is always one ahead of the index into pins_h if 0 < lines.find("Unknown MOTHERBOARD value set in Configuration.h"): break # no more if 0 < lines.find('1280'): list_start_found = True if list_start_found == False: # skip lines until find start of CPU list continue board = lines.find(board_name) comment_start = lines.find('// ') cpu_A_loc = comment_start cpu_B_loc = 0 if board > 0: # need to look at the next line for environment info cpu_line = pins_h[i] comment_start = cpu_line.find('// ') env_A, next_position = get_env_from_line(cpu_line, comment_start) # get name of environment & start of search for next env_B, next_position = get_env_from_line(cpu_line, next_position) # get next environment, if it exists env_C, next_position = get_env_from_line(cpu_line, next_position) # get next environment, if it exists break return env_A, env_B, env_C # scans input string for CPUs that the users may need to select from # returns: CPU name def get_CPU_name(environment): CPU_list = ('1280', '2560','644', '1284', 'LPC1768', 'DUE') CPU_name = '' for CPU in CPU_list: if 0 < environment.find(CPU): return CPU # get environment to be used for the build # returns: environment def get_env(board_name, ver_Marlin): def no_environment(): print 'ERROR - no environment for this board' print board_name raise SystemExit(0) # no environment so quit def invalid_board(): print 'ERROR - invalid board' print board_name raise SystemExit(0) # quit if unable to find board CPU_question = ( ('1280', '2560', "1280 or 2560 CPU?"), ('644', '1284', "644 or 1284 CPU?") ) if 0 < board_name.find('MELZI') : get_answer(board_name, "Which flavor of Melzi?", "Melzi (Optiboot bootloader)", "Melzi ") if 1 == get_answer_val: target_env = 'melzi_optiboot' else: target_env = 'melzi' else: env_A, env_B, env_C = get_starting_env(board_name, ver_Marlin) if env_A == '': no_environment() if env_B == '': return env_A # only one environment so finished CPU_A = get_CPU_name(env_A) CPU_B = get_CPU_name(env_B) for item in CPU_question: if CPU_A == item[0]: get_answer(board_name, item[2], item[0], item[1]) if 2 == get_answer_val: target_env = env_B else: target_env = env_A return target_env if env_A == 'LPC1768': if build_type == 'traceback' or (build_type == 'clean' and get_build_last() == 'LPC1768_debug_and_upload'): target_env = 'LPC1768_debug_and_upload' else: target_env = 'LPC1768' elif env_A == 'DUE': target_env = 'DUE' if build_type == 'traceback' or (build_type == 'clean' and get_build_last() == 'DUE_debug'): target_env = 'DUE_debug' elif env_B == 'DUE_USB': get_answer(board_name, "DUE: need download port", "USB (native USB) port", "Programming port ") if 1 == get_answer_val: target_env = 'DUE_USB' else: target_env = 'DUE' else: invalid_board() if build_type == 'traceback' and not(target_env == 'LPC1768_debug_and_upload' or target_env == 'DUE_debug') and Marlin_ver == 2: print "ERROR - this board isn't setup for traceback" print 'board_name: ', board_name print 'target_env: ', target_env raise SystemExit(0) return target_env # end - get_env # puts screen text into queue so that the parent thread can fetch the data from this thread import Queue IO_queue = Queue.Queue() def write_to_screen_queue(text, format_tag = 'normal'): double_in = [text, format_tag] IO_queue.put(double_in, block = False) # # send one line to the terminal screen with syntax highlighting # # input: unformatted text, flags from previous run # returns: formatted text ready to go to the terminal, flags from this run # # This routine remembers the status from call to call because previous # lines can affect how the current line is highlighted # # 'static' variables - init here and then keep updating them from within print_line warning = False warning_FROM = False error = False standard = True prev_line_COM = False next_line_warning = False warning_continue = False def line_print(line_input): global warning global warning_FROM global error global standard global prev_line_COM global next_line_warning global warning_continue # all '0' elements must precede all '1' elements or they'll be skipped platformio_highlights = [ ['Environment', 0, 'highlight_blue'], ['[SKIP]', 1, 'warning'], ['[ERROR]', 1, 'error'], ['[SUCCESS]', 1, 'highlight_green'] ] def write_to_screen_with_replace(text, highlights): # search for highlights & split line accordingly did_something = False for highlight in highlights: found = text.find(highlight[0]) if did_something == True: break if found >= 0 : did_something = True if 0 == highlight[1]: found_1 = text.find(' ') found_tab = text.find('\t') if found_1 < 0 or found_1 > found_tab: found_1 = found_tab write_to_screen_queue(text[ : found_1 + 1 ]) for highlight_2 in highlights: if highlight[0] == highlight_2[0] : continue found = text.find(highlight_2[0]) if found >= 0 : found_space = text.find(' ', found_1 + 1) found_tab = text.find('\t', found_1 + 1) if found_space < 0 or found_space > found_tab: found_space = found_tab found_right = text.find(']', found + 1) write_to_screen_queue(text[found_1 + 1 : found_space + 1 ], highlight[2]) write_to_screen_queue(text[found_space + 1 : found + 1 ]) write_to_screen_queue(text[found + 1 : found_right], highlight_2[2]) write_to_screen_queue(text[found_right : ] + '\n') break break if 1 == highlight[1]: found_right = text.find(']', found + 1) write_to_screen_queue(text[ : found + 1 ]) write_to_screen_queue(text[found + 1 : found_right ], highlight[2]) write_to_screen_queue(text[found_right : ] + '\n') break if did_something == False: write_to_screen_queue(text + '\n') # end - write_to_screen_with_replace # scan the line max_search = len(line_input) if max_search > 3 : max_search = 3 beginning = line_input[:max_search] # set flags if 0 < line_input.find(': warning: '): # start of warning block warning = True warning_FROM = False error = False standard = False prev_line_COM = False prev_line_COM = False warning_continue = True if beginning == 'War' or \ beginning == '#er' or \ beginning == 'In ' or \ (beginning != 'Com' and prev_line_COM == True and not(beginning == 'Arc' or beginning == 'Lin' or beginning == 'Ind') or \ next_line_warning == True): warning = True #warning found warning_FROM = False error = False standard = False prev_line_COM = False elif beginning == 'Com' or \ beginning == 'Ver' or \ beginning == ' [E' or \ beginning == 'Rem' or \ beginning == 'Bui' or \ beginning == 'Ind' or \ beginning == 'PLA': warning = False #standard line found warning_FROM = False error = False standard = True prev_line_COM = False warning_continue = False elif beginning == '***': warning = False # error found warning_FROM = False error = True standard = False prev_line_COM = False elif beginning == 'fro' and warning == True : # start of warning /error block warning_FROM = True prev_line_COM = False warning_continue = True elif 0 < line_input.find(': error:') or \ 0 < line_input.find(': fatal error:'): # start of warning /error block warning = False # error found warning_FROM = False error = True standard = False prev_line_COM = False warning_continue = True elif warning_continue == True: warning = True warning_FROM = False # keep the warning status going until find a standard line error = False standard = False prev_line_COM = False warning_continue = True else: warning = False # unknown so assume standard line warning_FROM = False error = False standard = True prev_line_COM = False warning_continue = False if beginning == 'Com': prev_line_COM = True # print based on flags if standard == True: write_to_screen_with_replace(line_input, platformio_highlights) #print white on black with substitutions if warning == True: write_to_screen_queue(line_input + '\n', 'warning') if error == True: write_to_screen_queue(line_input + '\n', 'error') # end - line_print def run_PIO(dummy): ########################################################################## # # # run Platformio # # # ########################################################################## # build platformio run -e target_env # clean platformio run --target clean -e target_env # upload platformio run --target upload -e target_env # traceback platformio run --target upload -e target_env # program platformio run --target program -e target_env # test platformio test upload -e target_env # remote platformio remote run --target upload -e target_env # debug platformio debug -e target_env global build_type global target_env global board_name print 'build_type: ', build_type import subprocess import sys print 'starting platformio' if build_type == 'build': # platformio run -e target_env # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(['platformio', 'run', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) elif build_type == 'clean': # platformio run --target clean -e target_env # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(['platformio', 'run', '--target', 'clean', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) elif build_type == 'upload': # platformio run --target upload -e target_env # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(['platformio', 'run', '--target', 'upload', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) elif build_type == 'traceback': # platformio run --target upload -e target_env - select the debug environment if there is one # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(['platformio', 'run', '--target', 'upload', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) elif build_type == 'program': # platformio run --target program -e target_env # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(['platformio', 'run', '--target', 'program', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) elif build_type == 'test': #platformio test upload -e target_env # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(['platformio', 'test', 'upload', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) elif build_type == 'remote': # platformio remote run --target upload -e target_env # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(['platformio', 'remote', 'run', '--target', 'program', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) elif build_type == 'debug': # platformio debug -e target_env # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(['platformio', 'debug', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) else: print 'ERROR - unknown build type: ', build_type raise SystemExit(0) # kill everything # stream output from subprocess and split it into lines for line in iter(pio_subprocess.stdout.readline, ''): line_print(line.replace('\n', '')) # append info used to run PlatformIO write_to_screen_queue('\nBoard name: ' + board_name + '\n') # put build info at the bottom of the screen write_to_screen_queue('Build type: ' + build_type + '\n') write_to_screen_queue('Environment used: ' + target_env + '\n') # end - run_PIO ######################################################################## import time import threading import Tkinter as tk import ttk import Queue import subprocess import sys que = Queue.Queue() #IO_queue = Queue.Queue() from Tkinter import Tk, Frame, Text, Scrollbar, Menu from tkMessageBox import askokcancel import tkFileDialog from tkMessageBox import askokcancel import tkFileDialog class output_window(Text): global continue_updates continue_updates = True def __init__(self): self.root = tk.Tk() self.frame = tk.Frame(self.root) self.frame.pack(fill='both', expand=True) # text widget #self.text = tk.Text(self.frame, borderwidth=3, relief="sunken") Text.__init__(self, self.frame, borderwidth=3, relief="sunken") self.config(tabs=(400,)) # configure Text widget tab stops self.config(background = 'black', foreground = 'white', font= ("consolas", 12), wrap = 'word', undo = 'True') self.config(height = 24, width = 120) self.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) self.tag_config('normal', foreground = 'white') self.tag_config('warning', foreground = 'yellow' ) self.tag_config('error', foreground = 'red') self.tag_config('highlight_green', foreground = 'green') self.tag_config('highlight_blue', foreground = 'cyan') # self.bind('<Control-Key-a>', self.select_all) # the event happens but the action doesn't # scrollbar scrb = tk.Scrollbar(self.frame, orient='vertical', command=self.yview) self.config(yscrollcommand=scrb.set) scrb.pack(side='right', fill='y') # pop-up menu self.popup = tk.Menu(self, tearoff=0) self.popup.add_command(label='Cut', command=self._cut) self.popup.add_command(label='Copy', command=self._copy) self.popup.add_command(label='Paste', command=self._paste) self.popup.add_separator() self.popup.add_command(label='Select All', command=self._select_all) self.popup.add_command(label='Clear All', command=self._clear_all) self.popup.add_separator() self.popup.add_command(label='Save As', command=self._file_save_as) self.bind('<Button-3>', self._show_popup) # threading & subprocess section def start_thread(self, ): global continue_updates # create then start a secondary thread to run an arbitrary function # must have at least one argument self.secondary_thread = threading.Thread(target = lambda q, arg1: q.put(run_PIO(arg1)), args=(que, '')) self.secondary_thread.start() continue_updates = True # check the Queue in 50ms self.root.after(50, self.check_thread) self.root.after(50, self.update) def check_thread(self): # wait for user to kill the window global continue_updates if continue_updates == True: self.root.after(20, self.check_thread) def update(self): global continue_updates if continue_updates == True: self.root.after(20, self.update)#method is called every 50ms temp_text = ['0','0'] if IO_queue.empty(): if not(self.secondary_thread.is_alive()): continue_updates = False # queue is exhausted and thread is dead so no need for further updates self.tag_add('sel', '1.0', 'end') else: try: temp_text = IO_queue.get(block = False) except Queue.Empty: continue_updates = False # queue is exhausted so no need for further updates else: self.insert('end', temp_text[0], temp_text[1]) self.see("end") # make the last line visible (scroll text off the top) # text editing section def _file_save_as(self): self.filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension = '.txt') f = open(self.filename, 'w') f.write(self.get('1.0', 'end')) f.close() def copy(self, event): try: selection = self.get(*self.tag_ranges('sel')) self.clipboard_clear() self.clipboard_append(selection) except TypeError: pass def cut(self, event): try: selection = self.get(*self.tag_ranges('sel')) self.clipboard_clear() self.clipboard_append(selection) self.delete(*self.tag_ranges('sel')) except TypeError: pass def _show_popup(self, event): '''right-click popup menu''' if self.root.focus_get() != self: self.root.focus_set() try: self.popup.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root, 0) finally: self.popup.grab_release() def _cut(self): try: selection = self.get(*self.tag_ranges('sel')) self.clipboard_clear() self.clipboard_append(selection) self.delete(*self.tag_ranges('sel')) except TypeError: pass def cut(self, event): _cut(self) def _copy(self): try: selection = self.get(*self.tag_ranges('sel')) self.clipboard_clear() self.clipboard_append(selection) except TypeError: pass def copy(self, event): _copy(self) def _paste(self): self.insert('insert', self.selection_get(selection='CLIPBOARD')) def _select_all(self): self.tag_add('sel', '1.0', 'end') def select_all(self, event): self.tag_add('sel', '1.0', 'end') def _clear_all(self): '''erases all text''' isok = askokcancel('Clear All', 'Erase all text?', frame=self, default='ok') if isok: self.delete('1.0', 'end') def _place_cursor(self): # theme: terminal '''check the position of the cursor against the last known position every 15ms and update the cursorblock tag as needed''' current_index = self.index('insert') if self.cursor != current_index: self.cursor = current_index self.tag_delete('cursorblock') start = self.index('insert') end = self.index('insert+1c') if start[0] != end[0]: self.insert(start, ' ') end = self.index('insert') self.tag_add('cursorblock', start, end) self.mark_set('insert', self.cursor) self.after(15, self._place_cursor) def _blink_cursor(self): # theme: terminal '''alternate the background color of the cursorblock tagged text every 600 milliseconds''' if self.switch == self.fg: self.switch = self.bg else: self.switch = self.fg self.tag_config('cursorblock', background=self.switch) self.after(600, self._blink_cursor) # end - output_window def main(): ########################################################################## # # # main program # # # ########################################################################## global build_type global target_env global board_name board_name, Marlin_ver = get_board_name() target_env = get_env(board_name, Marlin_ver) auto_build = output_window() auto_build.start_thread() # executes the "run_PIO" function auto_build.root.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()