/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include "../inc/MarlinConfig.h" #if ENABLED(EXPERIMENTAL_I2CBUS) #include "twibus.h" #include <Wire.h> #include "../libs/hex_print.h" TWIBus i2c; TWIBus::TWIBus() { #if I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS == 0 Wire.begin( // No address joins the BUS as the master #if PINS_EXIST(I2C_SCL, I2C_SDA) && DISABLED(SOFT_I2C_EEPROM) pin_t(I2C_SDA_PIN), pin_t(I2C_SCL_PIN) #endif ); #else Wire.begin(I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS); // Join the bus as a slave #endif reset(); } void TWIBus::reset() { buffer_s = 0; buffer[0] = 0x00; } void TWIBus::address(const uint8_t adr) { if (!WITHIN(adr, 8, 127)) { SERIAL_ECHO_MSG("Bad I2C address (8-127)"); } addr = adr; debug(F("address"), adr); } void TWIBus::addbyte(const char c) { if (buffer_s >= COUNT(buffer)) return; buffer[buffer_s++] = c; debug(F("addbyte"), c); } void TWIBus::addbytes(char src[], uint8_t bytes) { debug(F("addbytes"), bytes); while (bytes--) addbyte(*src++); } void TWIBus::addstring(char str[]) { debug(F("addstring"), str); while (char c = *str++) addbyte(c); } void TWIBus::send() { debug(F("send"), addr); Wire.beginTransmission(I2C_ADDRESS(addr)); Wire.write(buffer, buffer_s); Wire.endTransmission(); reset(); } // static void TWIBus::echoprefix(uint8_t bytes, FSTR_P const pref, uint8_t adr) { SERIAL_ECHO_START(); SERIAL_ECHOF(pref); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(": from:", adr, " bytes:", bytes, " data:"); } // static void TWIBus::echodata(uint8_t bytes, FSTR_P const pref, uint8_t adr, const uint8_t style/*=0*/) { union TwoBytesToInt16 { uint8_t bytes[2]; int16_t integervalue; }; TwoBytesToInt16 ConversionUnion; echoprefix(bytes, pref, adr); while (bytes-- && Wire.available()) { int value = Wire.read(); switch (style) { // Style 1, HEX DUMP case 1: SERIAL_CHAR(hex_nybble((value & 0xF0) >> 4)); SERIAL_CHAR(hex_nybble(value & 0x0F)); if (bytes) SERIAL_CHAR(' '); break; // Style 2, signed two byte integer (int16) case 2: if (bytes == 1) ConversionUnion.bytes[1] = (uint8_t)value; else if (bytes == 0) { ConversionUnion.bytes[0] = (uint8_t)value; // Output value in base 10 (standard decimal) SERIAL_ECHO(ConversionUnion.integervalue); } break; // Style 3, unsigned byte, base 10 (uint8) case 3: SERIAL_ECHO(value); if (bytes) SERIAL_CHAR(' '); break; // Default style (zero), raw serial output default: // This can cause issues with some serial consoles, Pronterface is an example where things go wrong SERIAL_CHAR(value); break; } } SERIAL_EOL(); } void TWIBus::echobuffer(FSTR_P const prefix, uint8_t adr) { echoprefix(buffer_s, prefix, adr); LOOP_L_N(i, buffer_s) SERIAL_CHAR(buffer[i]); SERIAL_EOL(); } bool TWIBus::request(const uint8_t bytes) { if (!addr) return false; debug(F("request"), bytes); // requestFrom() is a blocking function if (Wire.requestFrom(I2C_ADDRESS(addr), bytes) == 0) { debug(F("request fail"), I2C_ADDRESS(addr)); return false; } return true; } void TWIBus::relay(const uint8_t bytes, const uint8_t style/*=0*/) { debug(F("relay"), bytes); if (request(bytes)) echodata(bytes, F("i2c-reply"), addr, style); } uint8_t TWIBus::capture(char *dst, const uint8_t bytes) { reset(); uint8_t count = 0; while (count < bytes && Wire.available()) dst[count++] = Wire.read(); debug(F("capture"), count); return count; } // static void TWIBus::flush() { while (Wire.available()) Wire.read(); } #if I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS > 0 void TWIBus::receive(uint8_t bytes) { debug(F("receive"), bytes); echodata(bytes, F("i2c-receive"), 0); } void TWIBus::reply(char str[]/*=nullptr*/) { debug(F("reply"), str); if (str) { reset(); addstring(str); } Wire.write(buffer, buffer_s); reset(); } void i2c_on_receive(int bytes) { // just echo all bytes received to serial i2c.receive(bytes); } void i2c_on_request() { // just send dummy data for now i2c.reply("Hello World!\n"); } #endif #if ENABLED(DEBUG_TWIBUS) // static void TWIBus::prefix(FSTR_P const func) { SERIAL_ECHOPGM("TWIBus::", func, ": "); } void TWIBus::debug(FSTR_P const func, uint32_t adr) { if (DEBUGGING(INFO)) { prefix(func); SERIAL_ECHOLN(adr); } } void TWIBus::debug(FSTR_P const func, char c) { if (DEBUGGING(INFO)) { prefix(func); SERIAL_ECHOLN(c); } } void TWIBus::debug(FSTR_P const func, char str[]) { if (DEBUGGING(INFO)) { prefix(func); SERIAL_ECHOLN(str); } } #endif #endif // EXPERIMENTAL_I2CBUS