Centralised beep code to lcd_buzz().
From gcode_M300() and lcd_quick_feedback().
Enforced max. duration for M300 to 5 seconds.
Corrected description in 'Configuration.h'
LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_HZ 0 gives now a silent delay of
Example Configuration for K8200 : comments/URL/readme
* add machine specific header
* change STRING_URL to K8200 fork (@thinkyhead: What do you think?)
* updated documentation
* added URLs and links
The line const bool Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to
invert the logic of the endstop is in the main configuration.h but
wasn't present in the example configuration.h's. Causes a compiling
error with Z Probe enabled. Just added it to all the configs. :)
- Add `Conditionals.h` with calculated configuration values
- Add `SanityCheck.h` with checks for configuration errors
- Remove equivalent code from all configurations
- Move error checks from some sources to `SanityCheck.h` also
- Fix initialization of count_direction in stepper.cpp
Added option to set Travel Acceleration (non printing moves).
The M204 options was a non sense (S for printing moves and T for retract
It has been changed to:
P = Printing moves
R = Retract only (no X, Y, Z) moves
T = Travel (non
printing) moves
I will add this info o G-Code wiki in reprap.org. I also advise to put
this info in Marlin next version changelog.
- Moved sanity-checks to Marlin_main.cpp
- Applied to other configuration files
- Fixed formatting of ABL output
- Passing verbose level to probe_pt
- Miscellaneous cleanup
- Put CONFIG_STEPPERS_TOSHIBA into Configuration.h
Looks like INVERT_E3_DIR was missing in the configuration.h also as I
did a test compile with 4 extruders and Azteeg X3 Pro defined. So I also
added those lines too. Additional formatting to make the comments line
up better in that section.