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2020-06-16 01:45:27 -05:00
* Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
* Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
* Based on Sprinter and grbl.
* Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @file dwin_lcd.c
* @author LEO / Creality3D
* @date 2019/07/18
* @version 2.0.1
* @brief
#include "../../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h"
#include "../../inc/MarlinConfig.h"
#include "dwin_lcd.h"
#include <string.h> // for memset
// Make sure DWIN_SendBuf is large enough to hold the largest
// printed string plus the draw command and tail.
uint8_t DWIN_SendBuf[11 + 24] = { 0xAA };
uint8_t DWIN_BufTail[4] = { 0xCC, 0x33, 0xC3, 0x3C };
uint8_t databuf[26] = { 0 };
uint8_t receivedType;
int recnum = 0;
inline void DWIN_Byte(size_t &i, const uint16_t bval) {
DWIN_SendBuf[++i] = bval;
inline void DWIN_Word(size_t &i, const uint16_t wval) {
DWIN_SendBuf[++i] = wval >> 8;
DWIN_SendBuf[++i] = wval & 0xFF;
inline void DWIN_Long(size_t &i, const uint32_t lval) {
DWIN_SendBuf[++i] = (lval >> 24) & 0xFF;
DWIN_SendBuf[++i] = (lval >> 16) & 0xFF;
DWIN_SendBuf[++i] = (lval >> 8) & 0xFF;
DWIN_SendBuf[++i] = lval & 0xFF;
inline void DWIN_String(size_t &i, char * const string) {
const size_t len = strlen(string);
memcpy(&DWIN_SendBuf[i+1], string, len);
i += len;
/*发送当前BUF中的数据以及包尾数据 len:整包数据长度*/
inline void DWIN_Send(size_t &i) {
LOOP_L_N(n, i) { MYSERIAL1.write(DWIN_SendBuf[n]);
delayMicroseconds(1); }
LOOP_L_N(n, 4) { MYSERIAL1.write(DWIN_BufTail[n]);
delayMicroseconds(1); }
/*握手 1: 握手成功 2: 握手失败*/
bool DWIN_Handshake(void) {
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x00);
while (MYSERIAL1.available() > 0 && recnum < (signed)sizeof(databuf)) {
databuf[recnum] = MYSERIAL1.read();
// ignore the invalid data
if (databuf[0] != FHONE) { // prevent the program from running.
if (recnum > 0) {
recnum = 0;
return ( recnum >= 3
&& databuf[0] == FHONE
&& databuf[1] == '\0'
&& databuf[2] == 'O'
&& databuf[3] == 'K' );
/*设定背光亮度 luminance:亮度(0x00~0xFF)*/
void DWIN_Backlight_SetLuminance(const uint8_t luminance) {
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x30);
DWIN_Byte(i, _MAX(luminance, 0x1F));
/*设定画面显示方向 dir:0,0°; 1,90°; 2,180°; 3,270°*/
void DWIN_Frame_SetDir(uint8_t dir) {
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x34);
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x5A);
DWIN_Byte(i, 0xA5);
DWIN_Byte(i, dir);
void DWIN_UpdateLCD(void) {
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x3D);
/*画面清屏 color:清屏颜色*/
void DWIN_Frame_Clear(const uint16_t color) {
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x01);
DWIN_Word(i, color);
/*画面画线 color:线段颜色 xStart:X起始坐标 yStart:Y起始坐标 xEnd:X终止坐标 yEnd:Y终止坐标*/
void DWIN_Draw_Line(uint16_t color, uint16_t xStart, uint16_t yStart, uint16_t xEnd, uint16_t yEnd) {
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x03);
DWIN_Word(i, color);
DWIN_Word(i, xStart);
DWIN_Word(i, yStart);
DWIN_Word(i, xEnd);
DWIN_Word(i, yEnd);
/*画面画矩形 mode:0,外框;1,填充;2,异或填充 color:颜色 xStart/yStart:矩形左上坐标 xEnd/yEnd:矩形右下坐标*/
void DWIN_Draw_Rectangle(uint8_t mode, uint16_t color,
uint16_t xStart, uint16_t yStart, uint16_t xEnd, uint16_t yEnd) {
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x05);
DWIN_Byte(i, mode);
DWIN_Word(i, color);
DWIN_Word(i, xStart);
DWIN_Word(i, yStart);
DWIN_Word(i, xEnd);
DWIN_Word(i, yEnd);
/*画面区域移动 mode:0,环移;1,平移 dir:0,向左移动;1,向右移动;2,向上移动;3,向下移动 dis:移动距离
color: xStart/yStart: xEnd/yEnd:*/
void DWIN_Frame_AreaMove(uint8_t mode, uint8_t dir, uint16_t dis,
uint16_t color, uint16_t xStart, uint16_t yStart, uint16_t xEnd, uint16_t yEnd) {
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x09);
DWIN_Byte(i, (mode << 7) | dir);
DWIN_Word(i, dis);
DWIN_Word(i, color);
DWIN_Word(i, xStart);
DWIN_Word(i, yStart);
DWIN_Word(i, xEnd);
DWIN_Word(i, yEnd);
/*画面显示字符串 widthAdjust:true,自调整字符宽度;false,不调整字符宽度 bShow:true,显示背景色;false,不显示背景色 size:字号大小
color: bColor: x/y: *string:*/
void DWIN_Draw_String(bool widthAdjust, bool bShow, uint8_t size,
uint16_t color, uint16_t bColor, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, char *string) {
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x11);
DWIN_Byte(i, (widthAdjust? 0x80:0x00) | (bShow? 0x40:0x00) | size);
DWIN_Word(i, color);
DWIN_Word(i, bColor);
DWIN_Word(i, x);
DWIN_Word(i, y);
DWIN_String(i, string);
/*画面显示正整数 bShow:true,显示背景色;false,不显示背景色 zeroFill:true,补零;false,不补零 zeroMode:1,无效0显示为0; 0,无效0显示为空格 size:字号大小
color: bColor: iNum: x/y: value:*/
void DWIN_Draw_IntValue(uint8_t bShow, bool zeroFill, uint8_t zeroMode, uint8_t size, uint16_t color,
uint16_t bColor, uint8_t iNum, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t value) {
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x14);
DWIN_Byte(i, (bShow? 0x80:0x00) | (zeroFill? 0x20:0x00) | (zeroMode? 0x10:0x00) | size);
DWIN_Word(i, color);
DWIN_Word(i, bColor);
DWIN_Byte(i, iNum);
DWIN_Byte(i, 0); // fNum
DWIN_Word(i, x);
DWIN_Word(i, y);
#if 0
for (char count = 0; count < 8; count++) {
DWIN_Byte(i, value);
value >>= 8;
if ((value&0xFF) == 0x00) break;
// Write a big-endian 64 bit integer
const size_t p = i + 1;
for (char count = 8; count--;) { // 7..0
DWIN_SendBuf[p + count] = value;
value >>= 8;
/*画面显示浮点数 bShow:true,显示背景色;false,不显示背景色 zeroFill:true,补零;false,不补零 zeroMode:1,无效0显示为0; 0,无效0显示为空格 size:字号大小
color: bColor: iNum: fNum: x/y: value:*/
void DWIN_Draw_FloatValue(uint8_t bShow, bool zeroFill, uint8_t zeroMode, uint8_t size, uint16_t color,
uint16_t bColor, uint8_t iNum, uint8_t fNum, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, long value) {
//uint8_t *fvalue = (uint8_t*)&value;
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x14);
DWIN_Byte(i, (bShow? 0x80:0x00) | (zeroFill? 0x20:0x00) | (zeroMode? 0x10:0x00) | size);
DWIN_Word(i, color);
DWIN_Word(i, bColor);
DWIN_Byte(i, iNum);
DWIN_Byte(i, fNum);
DWIN_Word(i, x);
DWIN_Word(i, y);
DWIN_Long(i, value);
DWIN_Byte(i, fvalue[3]);
DWIN_Byte(i, fvalue[2]);
DWIN_Byte(i, fvalue[1]);
DWIN_Byte(i, fvalue[0]);
/*jpg图片显示并缓存在#0虚拟显示区 id:图片ID*/
void DWIN_JPG_ShowAndCache(const uint8_t id) {
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Word(i, 0x2200);
DWIN_Byte(i, id);
DWIN_Send(i); //AA 23 00 00 00 00 08 00 01 02 03 CC 33 C3 3C
/*图标显示 libID:图标库ID picID:图标ID x/y:图标左上坐标*/
void DWIN_ICON_Show(uint8_t libID, uint8_t picID, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {
NOMORE(y, DWIN_HEIGHT - 1); // -- ozy -- srl
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x23);
DWIN_Word(i, x);
DWIN_Word(i, y);
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x80 | libID);
DWIN_Byte(i, picID);
/*jpg图片解压到#1虚拟显示区 id:图片ID*/
void DWIN_JPG_CacheToN(uint8_t n, uint8_t id) {
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x25);
DWIN_Byte(i, n);
DWIN_Byte(i, id);
/*从虚拟显示区复制区域至当前画面 cacheID:虚拟区号 xStart/yStart:虚拟区左上坐标 xEnd/yEnd:虚拟区右下坐标 x/y:当前画面粘贴坐标*/
void DWIN_Frame_AreaCopy(uint8_t cacheID, uint16_t xStart, uint16_t yStart,
uint16_t xEnd, uint16_t yEnd, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {
size_t i = 0;
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x27);
DWIN_Byte(i, 0x80 | cacheID);
DWIN_Word(i, xStart);
DWIN_Word(i, yStart);
DWIN_Word(i, xEnd);
DWIN_Word(i, yEnd);
DWIN_Word(i, x);
DWIN_Word(i, y);