2016-07-03 08:33:24 -05:00
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
# Marlin Firmware
# PlatformIO Configuration File
# For detailed documentation with EXAMPLES:
2016-07-03 08:33:24 -05:00
# http://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/projectconf.html
# Automatic targets - enable auto-uploading
# targets = upload
2017-12-21 22:44:56 -06:00
# By default platformio build will abort after 5 errors.
# Remove '-fmax-errors=5' from build_flags below to see all.
2016-07-03 08:33:24 -05:00
2017-05-06 05:17:07 -05:00
src_dir = Marlin
2018-01-09 18:25:16 -06:00
build_dir = .pioenvs
2017-05-06 05:17:07 -05:00
lib_dir = .piolib
libdeps_dir = .piolibdeps
2017-05-10 06:11:13 -05:00
env_default = megaatmega2560
2016-07-03 08:33:24 -05:00
2017-04-30 14:07:01 -05:00
2018-02-24 12:20:46 -06:00
default_src_filter = +<src/*> -<src/config>
build_flags = -fmax-errors=5
2017-06-17 16:19:42 -05:00
lib_deps =
2018-02-23 00:52:52 -06:00
2017-06-17 16:19:42 -05:00
2017-11-16 23:23:07 -06:00
2018-02-23 00:52:52 -06:00
2018-01-31 23:52:54 -06:00
Adafruit NeoPixel@1.1.3
2018-02-24 12:20:46 -06:00
2017-12-21 22:44:56 -06:00
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
# #
# Unique Core Architectures #
# #
# Add a new "env" below if no #
# entry has values suitable to #
# build for a given board. #
# #
# ATmega2560
2017-05-09 11:28:39 -05:00
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = megaatmega2560
2018-01-09 18:25:16 -06:00
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
2016-07-03 08:33:24 -05:00
board_f_cpu = 16000000L
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}
2016-07-03 08:33:24 -05:00
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
# ATmega1280
2017-05-09 11:28:39 -05:00
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = megaatmega1280
2018-01-09 18:25:16 -06:00
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
2016-07-03 08:33:24 -05:00
board_f_cpu = 16000000L
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}
2017-08-13 05:55:11 -05:00
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
# Due (Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3)
2018-03-13 23:15:04 -05:00
2018-03-13 15:31:17 -05:00
platform = atmelsam
framework = arduino
2018-03-13 23:15:04 -05:00
board = due
2018-03-13 15:31:17 -05:00
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
lib_ignore = c1921b4
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}
2018-03-13 23:15:04 -05:00
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
platform = atmelsam
framework = arduino
2018-03-13 23:15:04 -05:00
board = dueUSB
2018-01-09 18:25:16 -06:00
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
2018-02-24 12:20:46 -06:00
lib_ignore = c1921b4
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}
2017-06-17 16:19:42 -05:00
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
2017-10-26 13:37:26 -05:00
# NXP LPC1768 ARM Cortex-M3
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
2017-10-26 13:37:26 -05:00
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
platform = nxplpc
2018-02-14 04:26:10 -06:00
board = lpc1768
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
board_f_cpu = 100000000L
build_flags = !python Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_LPC1768/lpc1768_flag_script.py
2017-12-21 22:44:56 -06:00
2017-11-02 20:57:08 -05:00
2017-09-19 19:25:59 -05:00
src_build_flags = -Wall
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
build_unflags = -Wall
lib_ldf_mode = off
lib_extra_dirs = frameworks
2017-11-02 20:57:08 -05:00
lib_deps = CMSIS-LPC1768
2018-02-23 00:52:52 -06:00
2018-02-01 21:49:40 -06:00
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
extra_scripts = Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_LPC1768/lpc1768_flag_script.py
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}
2017-06-17 18:36:10 -05:00
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
2017-10-26 13:37:26 -05:00
# LPC1768 (for debugging and development)
2017-09-25 20:05:22 -05:00
2017-10-26 13:37:26 -05:00
2017-06-17 18:36:10 -05:00
# Segger JLink
2017-10-04 15:40:54 -05:00
platform = nxplpc
#framework = mbed
board = lpc1768
board_f_cpu = 100000000L
build_flags = !python Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_LPC1768/lpc1768_flag_script.py
2017-12-21 22:44:56 -06:00
2017-11-02 20:57:08 -05:00
2017-10-04 15:40:54 -05:00
lib_ldf_mode = off
lib_extra_dirs = frameworks
2017-11-02 20:57:08 -05:00
lib_deps = CMSIS-LPC1768
2018-02-23 00:52:52 -06:00
2017-10-04 15:40:54 -05:00
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}
extra_scripts = Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_LPC1768/debug_extra_script.py, Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_LPC1768/lpc1768_flag_script.py
debug_tool = custom
debug_server =
2017-06-17 18:36:10 -05:00
C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V618d\JLinkGDBServerCL.exe
2017-11-06 23:03:59 -06:00
2018-02-24 12:20:46 -06:00
# Melzi and clones (ATmega1284p)
platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = sanguino_atmega1284p
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
upload_speed = 57600
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}
# Melzi and clones (Optiboot bootloader)
platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = sanguino_atmega1284p
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
upload_speed = 115200
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}
2017-11-08 14:08:09 -06:00
platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = reprap_rambo
2018-01-09 18:25:16 -06:00
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
2017-11-08 14:08:09 -06:00
board_f_cpu = 16000000L
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}
# Sanguinololu (ATmega644p)
2017-12-21 22:44:56 -06:00
platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = sanguino_atmega644p
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
2018-03-01 03:07:39 -06:00
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}
# Sanguinololu (ATmega1284p)
platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = sanguino_atmega1284p
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
2017-12-21 22:44:56 -06:00
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}
2017-11-08 14:08:09 -06:00
2017-11-06 23:03:59 -06:00
platform = ststm32
framework = arduino
board = genericSTM32F103RE
build_flags = !python Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_STM32F1/stm32f1_flag_script.py
2017-12-21 22:44:56 -06:00
2017-11-06 23:03:59 -06:00
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
2017-11-08 14:08:09 -06:00
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}
# Teensy++ 2.0
# - PrintrBoard
# - PrintrBoard Rev.F
# - Brainwave Pro
platform = teensy
framework = arduino
board = teensy20pp
2018-01-09 18:25:16 -06:00
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
2017-11-08 14:08:09 -06:00
#board_f_cpu = 20000000L ; Bug in Arduino framework disallows boards running at 20Mhz
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
2018-01-06 04:38:32 -06:00
lib_ldf_mode = deep+
2017-11-08 14:08:09 -06:00
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}
# Teensy 3.5 / 3.6 (ARM Cortex-M4)
platform = teensy
framework = arduino
board = teensy35
2018-01-09 18:25:16 -06:00
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}
2017-11-08 14:08:09 -06:00
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps}
lib_ignore = Adafruit NeoPixel
2017-11-06 23:03:59 -06:00
src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter}