7 ESP32 Dev Board
bissen21 edited this page 2021-05-23 16:16:15 -05:00

ESP32 Dev Board

I am using a ESP32 dev board because of the low cost, built-in wifi, and compatibility with Arduino libraries.

Board Information

Hiletgo Product Page

Amazon Link

Pinout Image

/resources/images/Hitletgo ESP32 Pinout.jpg

Credit to user steelgoose for pinout image

Pinout Table

GPIO Input Output Notes
0 pulled up OK outputs PWM signal at boot
1 TX pin OK debug output at boot
2 OK OK connected to on-board LED
3 OK RX pin HIGH at boot
5 OK OK outputs PWM signal at boot
6 x x connected to the integrated SPI flash
7 x x connected to the integrated SPI flash
8 x x connected to the integrated SPI flash
9 x x connected to the integrated SPI flash
10 x x connected to the integrated SPI flash
11 x x connected to the integrated SPI flash
12 OK OK boot fail if pulled high
13 OK OK
14 OK OK outputs PWM signal at boot
15 OK OK outputs PWM signal at boot
16 OK OK
17 OK OK
18 OK OK
19 OK OK
21 OK OK
22 OK OK
23 OK OK
25 OK OK
26 OK OK
27 OK OK
32 OK OK
33 OK OK
34 OK input only
35 OK input only
36 OK input only
39 OK input only

Credit to Random Nerd Tutorials for GPIO Table